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Angela's Yoga Books
A range of Yoga books, videos, and audio materials available by mail order.
B K Media
Offer books on Yoga, CDs and tapes.
Crystal Clarity Publishers
Publishes books on bridging eastern philosophy with western lifestyles.
Little Fitness Books
A guide to yoga 'The little Yoga Book' is due for release in December, 2003.
Meditation Yoga
Offer a book on fitness and relaxation through the practice of Yoga.
Shakti Com
Offer video, audio tapes, and books on Yoga by Swami Satchidananda.
Spirit Dimension
Offer free ebooks on Yoga including Patanjali's Yoga Sutras and Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Yoga video courses, books, music, and apparel for sale.
Surya Publishing
Offers the book 'Dru Yoga For All Seasons' that introduces a new approach to Yoga.
The Heart of Yoga
A Yoga text to outline a step- by-step sequence for developing a complete practice by T. K. V. Desikachar.?
The Yoga Diet
Offer an ebook on Yoga health and diet written by Prue Charlton.
Yoga Books
Offer a variety of books on Yoga.
Yoga for Depression
A book by Amy Weintraub to be published in 2004. Includes excerpts from the book.
Yoga for Slimmers
Offer a book about using Yoga for losing weight.
Based in the UK, supplies books on yoga and related subjects by post.