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CCC33 - Yezidi Source Project
A Jalwah from the Black Book. Describes the early origin myths as well as various taboos.
Eyes of Malek
Journey into the eyes of Malek Taus, a page dedicated to the birth of a legend.
Gertrude Bell Diaries
Many diary entries from Gertrude Bell, which includes reference to the Yezidi in them.
Selections from The Sacred Books and Traditions of
A brief overview of some of the Yezidi beliefs.
The Yezidi
A detailed article with cited sources on the Yezidi and their religion.
The Yezidi Kurds: Wolf at the door
Some specific aspects of religion discussed in this article, but mainly an editorial on the Yezidi inhabitations and way of life.
The Yezidis before Sheihk-Adi
A historical analysis of Yezidism. In text format.
The Yezidis of Kurdistan - Are They Really Zoroast
An article describing the religious beliefs of the Yezidis.
Yezidi Creation Myths
Origin and creation myths from the Mishaf Resh, or Black Book.
Yezidi Religion and Society
Brief article on beliefs, practices, and history.
A fact sheet on the important aspects of Yezidi religion.
Yezidism at Mountain Center
Brief overview along with two selected scriptures.