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Batgear Beyond
Gothic fashion and clothing. Links to online stores, in categories.
Dark by Design
Hand made gothic clothing fashions by Crystal Elliott. Includes photographs and resume.
Dark Wyccan's Guide to Gothic Nail Care
For anyone who wants to maintain long nails; especially goths, who are often opting for a certain look that would make a nail care professional scream. (Such as very long and/or sharp nails - especially on men.) Contains a compilation of nail care techniques and design tips.
Darklady's Gothic Mall
Links to gothic clothing and accessories.
Don't resemble the moon or cold marble, but want to? A compilation of paling recipes, freckle and tan removal mixtures, and hints on keeping it that way.
GlitterGoth 101
Offers goth/glam/new-wave makeup tips and related links.
Gothic Fashion Sewing
DIY gothic fashions. Patterns, tips, and links.
Grey Sterling's Self-Service Mortuary
Tips for makeup application, plus links to online shops that carry pale makeup, black lipstick, and dark clothing.
A not-so-sexual fetish magazine exclusively devoted to pale-skinned women. Each issue contains how-to advice on avoiding sunlight, beauty tips on accentuating paleness, and notices honoring albinism. Also, we print fiction, comics, and the photos of readers.