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BrumGoth - Goth Mailing list for Birmingham
Features information and links to local shops, clubs, mailing lists and events.
Cambridge Goth Scene
A comprehensive guide to the CamGoth scene.
Carpe Noctum
The Carpe Homepage. Containing Carpe Noctum goth night in Bradford, Carpe Diem afternoon event and Carpe Noctum Records.
Darkwave Resources
A portal to the gothic/alternative resources on the internet, including mailing lists, e-zines, FAQs, and bands.
Gothic UK
Information on and for Goths in the UK. Includes chat, message boards, shops, humour, poetry and art.
Welcome to the online guide to the UK Goth/Industrial Scene.
Welsh Goth promoters. Events and gigs in Wales, including DJ sets and live bands. Home of the goth comic 'Oh So Goth', and the HEXnight.com discussion forum.
Incy's London guide
A guide to Goth clubs, shopping and events in London. With all the other bits you need to survive in the capital.
Nemesis Promotions
Upcoming information about gothic concerts and events in and around London.
Oxgoths Webpage Index
Links to Gothic events, shops and a photo gallery for Oxford goths.
The Gothic Mailing List
E-mail group on Yahoo dedicated to bringing together goths in the UK.
The Manchester net.goth Guide
MancGoff resources, gigs, shops, fun and frolicks, with links for the MancGoff mailing list.
UK net.goth Map
A JavaScript-fronted comprehensive database of information on goths in the UK, shops and events.