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AllSports - Brewers
Provides headlines, scores, and articles from fans.
CNNSI.com: Milwaukee Brewers
Contains headlines, standings, statistics, a schedule, roster, and box scores.
ESPN.com: Milwaukee Brewers
Contains news, box scores, standings, statistics, upcoming schedule, and related multimedia.
Fox Sports: Milwaukee Brewers
Contains news items, scores, a game schedule, a seasonal summary and a roster.
JS Online Sports: Brewers
News about the team from the Milwaukee Journal.
Milwaukee Brewers News - Topix.net
News on the team updated from many sources around the net.
SportsLine.com: Milwaukee Brewers
Includes news, notes, injury details, transactions, a roster, schedule, photographs and minor league prospects.
USATODAY.com: Milwaukee Brewers
Includes statistics, news, a schedule and results, as well as club records and a prospect report.
Yahoo! Sports: Milwaukee Brewers
Contains news, standings, a roster, schedule and game log.