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Ontario Pinto Horse Association
Hosting numerous shows throughout the year, including an area championship. Offers membership application, shows and show dates, youth and amateur programs, and links.
Oregon Pinto Horse Association
For families, small breeders, and enthusists of the Pinto. membership and club information, events, show results, by-laws, and entry forms.
Pacific Pinto Horse Association
Western Canada's charter of Pinto Horse Association of America, offering a calendar of events, directories, and association information.
Pinto Horse Association of America
Maintains a registry for horses, ponies and miniatures throughout the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia.
Pinto Horse Association of Ohio, Inc.
Offering activities for youth and adults, amateurs and professionals, novice and veteran exhibitors. Also offers information on the difference between paints and pintos.
Pinto Horse Association of Western Washington
Serving the pinto horse enthusiast in the Pacific Northwest. Listing of officers, upcoming shows and events, and club sponsored scholarship.
Pinto Horse Society Of Western Australia
Find photos, links, show dates and results. Features group profiles and contact details for the Midland based group.
Pinto of the Virginias
A member club of the Pinto Horse Association of America serving Pinto horse enthusiasts in Virginia and West Virginia. Offers information on shows, advertising, and stallion auctions.