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Alabama Quarter Horse Association
Offers event calendar, show schedule, news, contacts, and year end standings.
Alamo Quarter Horse Breeders Association
Information about upcoming shows and events, year end point standings, news, and preregister. Serving the Alamo area.
Alaska State Quarter Horse Association
Dedicated to promoting the breeding, owning, and showing of the American Quarter Horse in Alaska.
Alberta Quarter Horse Association
Provincial association affiliated with AQHA promoting approved shows and events in Alberta. Host of the Canadian National Quarter Horse Show.
American Quarter Horse Association
Official breed registry and membership association for the American Quarter Horse. Includes information on programs sposored by the AQHA including Youth, American Quarter Horse racing, American Quarter Horse showing, and recreational riding. Listing of upcoming events and competitions, member clubs, and associated links.
American Quarter Horse Association of the United K
Official affiliate of the AQHA, this site includes a breed description and history of the American Quarter Horse. Horses for sale, membership information, stallion listing are also included on this site.
AQHA Southeast Iowa Breeders
Small association for breeders located within a 10 mile radius in Southeast Iowa. Includes list of horses for sale and information about the members.
Arkansas Quarter Horse Association
Home of the Memorial Day Circuit and Stanford Happening. History, joining information, events, show schedules and results, online forms, and sponsorship information.
Blue Ridge Quarter Horse Association
Offers news, show dates, and membership information for shows in Virginia, and North Carolina.
Connecticut Quarter Horse Association
Information on trail ride and open show, point standings, membership and show schedule. Also provides information on youth program.
Empire State Quarter Horse Association
Promotes interest in Quarter Horse ownership and participation in New York State. Site includes point standings, membership information, show and futurity information.
Foundation Quarter Horse Registry
Preserving, protecting, and perpetuating the working cow horse blood lines of the foundation Quarter Horse.
Foundation Quarter Horses Breeders Association
Association dedicated to preserving legendary quarter horse bloodlines through breeding, showing, competing, and just plain riding of these legends decedants.
Georgia Quarter Horse Association
Promoting the Quarter Horse breed through shows, competition, and youth programs. Sponsoring the Georgia QH Futurity, current show point standings, calendar of events, and membership information.
Georgia Quarter Horse Association
Site includes membership information, show and futurity calendars, newsletters, point standings, and stallion services.
Hawaii Quarter Horse Association
Promotes use of the American Quarter horse for work and pleasure. Offers news, show schedules and results, plus membership information.
Illinois Quarter Horse Association
Promotes the American Quarter Horse in Illinois. Site includes event calendar; point standings; futurity, SuperStake 25 and membership forms; youth organization and stallion listings.
Indiana Quarter Horse Association
Promoting the Quarter Horse through shows and competition, Youth and Amateur program, and show points. Offering information on membership, calendar of events, programs, and links.
Indiana Quarter Horse Association
Promoting the Quarter Horse in all facets of equestrian sports. Membership, events and activities, links, and contacts.
Iowa Quarter Horse Association
Promotes Quarter Horses in Iowa with horse shows and futurities. Site offers membership information, point standings, show information and meeting notes.
Kentucky Quarter Horse Association
Promotes Quarter Horses in Kentucky with amateur programs, AQHA Rides, and futurity. Site offers membership information, calendar of events, classifieds, news, and bookstore.
Kentucky Quarter Horse Breeders Association
Non-profit association coving all disciplines. Hosts futurity each Labor Day weekend. Includes event information, stallion listing and auction as well as nominations.
Lone Star Quarter Horse Association
Promoting the Texas Quarter Horse through membership, events and activities. Home of the Lone Star Futurity and Extravaganza.
Louisiana Quarter Horse Association
Promoting the sporting and recreation use of the Quarter Horse in the state of Louisiana. Information on membership, upcoming events and competitions, shows and sponsors, point standings, and links.
Maryland State Quarter Horse Association
State of Maryland's AQHA affiliate whose purpose is to promote the American Quarter Horse with events and programs. Site offers director and staff listing, membership information, event schedule, futurity information, classifieds ads, and youth organization.
Massachusetts Quarter Horse Association
Dedicated to promoting the use and enjoyment of Quarter Horses in the state of Massachusetts. Membership information, upcoming shows, rides, calendar of events, and youth program.
Mid-Atlantic Quarter Horse Association
Not for profit organization serving members in Washington DC,Maryland,Virginia,West Virginia,Pennsylvania,and Delaware, and promoting the use of the Quarter Horse in competition and for pleasure. Offers membership application, clinics, shows, news, sponsors, and youth programs.
Minnesota Amateur Quarter Horse Association
Site offers news and information, and show schedule for amateur Quarter Horse exhibitors in Minnesota.
Mississippi Quarter Horse Association
A nonprofit organization whose goal is to promote owning, breeding, showing, racing and using the Quarter Horse. Includes show schedules and membership information.
Montana Quarter Horse Association
Promotes the use of American Quarter Horses in Montana through shows and racing. Site includes award point standings, membership information, youth and amateur awards, a breeders and professional directory, and calendar of events.
National Foundation Quarter Horse Association
Preserving and promoting the use of the original versatile Bulldog foundation Quarter Horse. Offers certification, upcoming events, high point awards program, classes, and bloodline determination tools.
National Snaffle Bit Association
Dedicated promoting natural movement in pleasure horses with exhibits, events and contests. Site includes information about the association and membership, programs, event calendar, show results and point standing.
New Hampshire Quarter Horse Association
Promotes Quarter Horses within New Hampshire with shows and programs. Site offers horse show events and information, stallion listing, information about AQHA Ride and youth association.
New Jersey Quarter Horse Association
Promoting in all ways the interest of the NJ Quarter Horse community through programs, competition and shows, and youth events.
New Mexico Quarter Horse Association
Comprehensive information on breeders, trainers, horse-related services, shows, points, photos and referral service for all of New Mexico, as well as news updates and events.
North Dakota Quarter Horse Association
Non-profit corporation whose purpose is to promote and stimulate interest in the American Quarter Horse through shows and futurities. Offers membership information, events calendar, class standings and points, show photos, and upcoming rides.
Northeast Nebraska Quarter Horse Breeders Associat
A group of local breeders dedicated to producing great working horses that can win in the showring too.
Northern Ohio Quarter Horse Association
Presents club news, show and meeting schedules.
Ohio Quarter Horse Association
Includes a link to the Quarter Horse Congress, membership information, classifieds, and a calendar of events.
Oklahoma Quarter Horse Association
Oklahoma affiliate of the American Quarter Horse Association. Site offers listing of AQHA shows in Oklahoma, event and activity listing, and stallion service auction.
Pacific Coast Quarter Horse Association
Oldest chartered Quarter Horse association. Offering membership information, upcoming shows and events.
Powder River Quarter Horse Breeders Association
Southeastern Montana organization which sponsors sales and futurities annually over Labor day weekend. Reference sires, futurity information, a breeders directory, stallion auction information, and sales listings.
Rocky Mountain Quarter Horse Association
Offers a broad base of programs and activities to promote the Quarter Horse. Site includes information about shows and futurities, races, AQHA rides, and news.
South Dakota Quarter Horse Association
Official affiliate of the American Quarter Horse Association for South Dakota. Site includes youth organization, show and event schedule, and point standings.
Southern Ohio Quarter Horse Assn
Provides association news, event and futurity information and results, and membership information.
Tennessee Quarter Horse Association
Promotes Quarter Horses in Tennessee with shows and events. Site includes event schedule, membership forms, youth and amateur association news, and point standings.
The Foundation Quarter Horse Association
International nonprofit association dedicated to promoting,preserving and exhibiting foundation Quarter Horses. Site includes registry information and conformation guidelines.
The Pennsylvania Quarter Horse Association
Affiliate of the American Quater Horse Association. The PQHA represents the interest of the Quarter Horse industry in Pennsylvania and provide programs, opportunities, and education. Site includes show and event information.
Valley Quarter Horse Association
Promoting the American Quarter Horse in California since 1959. Includes membership, news, upcoming events and competition, year to date points standings, and stallion service auction.
Vermont Quarter Horse Association
Promotes Quarter horse ownership in Vermont. Includes membership information, newsletter, association for youth, show and point information, and information on AQHA Ride.
Victorian Quarter Horse Association Inc
Promotes the quarter horse in Australia. Site offers newsletter, events, and show program.
Virginia Quarter Horse Association
Promotes Quarter Horses in Virginia through amateur and youth programs, shows, and annual awards. Site includes membership, show and futurity information.
Washington State Quarter Horse Association
Washington State affiliate of the American Quarter Horse Association. Site offers information about trail rides and approved shows, amateur and youth divisions, professional horseman's listing, point standings, membership information, and news.
Western New York Quarter Horse Club
Conducts both AQHA and open horse shows a nd clinics. Site includes schedule of events and club meetings.
Western Pennsylvania Quarter Horse Association
Regional organization that promotes the values of owning and exhibiting Quarter Horses in Pennsylvania. Site includes event schedule, membership information, monthly newsletter, and youth association information.
Wisconsin Foundation Quarter Horse Club
Newsletter and events, club and membership information, classifieds, and current point standings.
Wisconsin Quarter Horse Association
Includes membership information, show schedules, and current point standings.
World Foundation Quarter Horse Alliance
A nonprofit organization devoted to promoting the all-around equine athlete and providing an opportunity where individuals and families can get together to show their horses and have fun. Offers membership, news, calendar of events, and contacts. Located in Texas.
Wyoming Quarter Horse Association
Promotes the use and breeding of Quarter Horses in Wyoming. Site includes show schedule, open and youth point totals, officer and director listing, and foal photos.