english deutsch
Chanhill Farm
India, Pune, standing one premier stallion and offering two in-house veterinarians. Includes stallion details and pedigree, foals and contact details.
Nakul Stud
India, Haryana. Stands two stallions and includes catalogue pages of sires and progeny, horses for sale and pages on performance.
Nanoli Stud Farms
India, Pune, standing eight stallions and offering spelling, pre-training, aqua - treadmill and two indoor training schools. Includes in-depth stallion details, stock for sale with video clips, stud news and contacts.
National Stud Farm
Malaysia, Tanjong Rambutan standing four stallions including Maizcay (Aus). A comprehensive site including operations, services and facilities, stallion roster, broodmares and link to the National Premier Sale.
Poonawalla Stud Farms
India, Pune, standing five stallions and offering on-site laboratory and two turf training tracks. Includes full stallion details with progeny records, news and contacts.
Usha Stud Farms
India, Delhi, standing two stallions. Includes stallion details, progeny and race records, statistics, news and contacts.