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Arkansas Dressage and Combined Training Associatio
Show results, newsletter, and information.
Birmingham Dressage and Combined Training Associat
News, events, and results for the dressage club located in Birmingham, Alabama.
Boulder Valley Dressage
A chapter of the Rocky Mountain Dressage Society.
California Dressage Society
One of the largest Dressage organizations in the nation, with general Dressage information, society shows, and membership information.
Central Florida Dressage
Organization providing dressage shows and information in central Florida.
Dressage Association of Southern California
USDF Region 7 GMO. Calendar, show information, newsletters, and bylaws.
Eastern States Dressage & Combined Training As
Serves the Mid-Atlantic area, concentrating on education and show activities for dressage and combined training riders. Member services, calendar, and news.
Indiana Dressage Society
Includes a membership application, classifieds, newsletter and a calendar of events.
Marin County Chapter of the California Dressage So
Includes a calendar, newsletter, membership form, training information, and photographs.
Maryland Dressage Association
A member association of the USDF offering information on classical dressage, articles, show results, and free classified dressage ads.
Midwest Dressage Association
Includes a calendar of events, newsletter, membership application, association advantages and philosophy, and products for sale.
Nebraska Dressage Association
Includes news, a calendar of events, and a membership application.
New England Dressage Association
Includes membership information, show results, and news.
Northeast Florida Dressage Association
Region III Dressage Group Member Organization of the USDF. Promoting Dressage club activities and horse shows for all ages in the North Florida area. Membership information, calendar, newsletter.
Oklahoma Dressage Society
USDF region 9 group member organization promoting and supporting the art of dressage in Oklahoma. Website includes news, calendar of events, contacts, links.
Oregon Dressage Society
An affiliate of the United States Dressage Federation that seeks to educate, promote and inspire both members and the general public on the sport of Dressage through publications, programs and competitions. Provides information on the sport, regional and state competition, judges, instructors, library, newsletter, membership, and links.
Ozark Dressage Society
Show information, clinics, calendar, newsletter, club contacts and a members video library. Located in Missouri.
Potomac Valley Dressage Association
A non-profit organization devoted to Dressage and the love of horses. Based in the Washington DC metro area and surrounding states, it offers clinics, schooling and recognized shows, and educational forums.
Region 2 Advanced Juniors and Young Riders
Dedicated to Region 2 riders competing at 4th level and above. Rider profiles, show information, and message board.
San Francisco Peninsula Chapter of the California
Includes event schedules, a newsletter, membership form, photos, and training information.
Southwest Florida Dressage Association
Latest club news, classifieds, events, membership information.
Southwest Virginia Dressage Association
Includes membership information and show schedules.
St. Louis Area Dressage Society
Includes a membership application, calendar of events, and show results. Missouri.
The Dressage Foundation
A nonprofit organization dedicated to raising funds towards the development of dressage. Details of funds and programs, and calendar of benefit events.
United States Dressage Federation
Promoting and encouraging a high standard of accomplishment in dressage throughout the United States, primarily through educational programs, and show regulations and organization.
USDF Region 6
Covering the areas of Alaska, Idaho, Western Montana, Oregon and Washington. Information on the upcoming events and competition in the northwestern region of the US, member organizations, show results, and officials.
USET Online - Dressage
Information about America's association for Dressage representation to the Olympics.
Westchester Fairfield Dressage Association
Includes new, show dates and information, clinics, and a calendar of events. New York.
Western Pennsylvania Dressage Association
Includes member information, a clinic review, list of barns and trainers, and an events calendar.
Wine Country Dressage Association
Sonoma Chapter of the California Dressage Society