english deutsch
Abbey RFC, Abbey RFC, Abingdon Rugby Club, AEI (Rugby) Rugby Football Club, Aireborough RUFC, Aldermaston RUFC, Aldershot and Fleet Rugby Club, Aldridge Rugby Club, Alnwick RFC, Alresford Rugby Club
Barbarian Football Club, Bath, Bristol, Banbury Rugby Union Football Club, Barnsley RUFC, Basingstoke Rugby Club, Battersea Ironsides RFC, Beaconsfield Rugby Football Club, BEC Old Boys RFC, Beckenham Rugby Football Club, Bedford Athletic RUFC, Bedford Rugby Club, Belper Rugby Union Football Club
Caldy Rugby Club, Camberley Rugby Football Club, Camborne Rugby Football Club, Cambridge Rugby Union Football Club, Cambridge University Rugby Union Football Club, Camp Hill Rugby Football Club, Campion Rugby Club, Canterbury R.C., Carnforth RUFC, Castle Cary Rugby Football Club
Darlington Mowden Park RFC, Darlington RFC, Dartfordians RFC, Datchworth Rugby Club, Daventry Rugby Football Club, Deepings Rugby Union FC, Derby Rugby Football Club, Devizes Rugby Club, Devonport Services RFC, Didsbury RFC
Ealing Rugby Club, Earlsdon RFC, East Grinstead RFC, East London Phantoms, Eastleigh Rugby Football Club, Eccles Rugby Football Club, Effingham and Leatherhead RFC, Ely RUFC, Enfield Ignatians RFC, Esher Rugby Football Club
Fakenham Rugby Club, Fareham Heathens Rugby Football Club, Farnborough RFC, Farnham Rugby Club, Fawley Rugby Club, Felixstowe Rugby Union Football Club, Finchley Rugby Club, Folkestone RFC, Footscray Rugby Football Club, Fordingbridge Rugby Club
Gloucester, Gainsborough Rugby Union Football Club, Garstang RUFC, Gateshead RFC, Gillingham Anchorians, Glossop Rugby Club, Gordano Rugby Football Club, Gosforth Rugby Football Club, Grasshoppers Rugby Football Club, Gravesend RFC, Grimsby RUFC Official Website
Harlequins, Hackney Rugby Club, Hamble Rugby Football Club, Hammersmith and Fulham RFC, Hampstead Rugby Club, Harborne Rugby Club, Haringey RFC, Harlow Rugby Club, Harpenden Rugby Club, Harwich and Dovercourt Rugby Club, Hastings and Bexhill Rugby Football Club
Ilford Wanderers Rugby Football Club, Ilkeston Rugby Union Football Club, Imperial College Union Rugby Football Club, Imperial Rugby Club, Ipswich Rugby Club, Isle of Wight Rugby Football Club
Jarrovians RUFC
KCS Old Boys RFC, Keighley Crusaders Rugby Union Club, Kendal Rugby Union Football Club, Kenilworth Rugby Football Club, Kidderminster Carolians Rugby Football Club, Kilburn Cosmos Rugby Football Club, King's College Hospital Rugby Football Club, Kings Cross Steelers Rugby Football Club, Kingston Rugby Football Club, Knaresborough RUFC
Leeds, Leicester Tigers, London Irish, London Wasps, Leamington Rugby Union Football Club, Leicester Forest RFC, Leigh Rugby Union Football Club, Leighton Buzzard RUFC, Leodiensian RUFC, Lewes RFC, Lichfield Rugby Union Football Club, Lightwater RFC, London Ambulance Service Rugby Union Football Club, London Exiles
Macclesfield RUFC, Maidenhead RFC 4th XV, Maidenhead Rugby Club, Maidstone RFC, Maldon RFC, Malton and Norton Rugby Union Club, Manchester Rugby Club, Manchester Wanderers, Manor Park Rugby Football Club, Mansfield RUFC
Newcastle Falcons, Northampton Saints, New Brighton Football Club (R.U.), Newark Rugby Union Football Club, Newbold-On-Avon RFC, Newbury Rugby Football Club, Newcastle (Staffs) RUFC, Newcastle University Geography Department Rugby Te, Newmarket RUFC, Newton Abbott RFC, Newton Aycliffe Rugby Union Football Club, Nomads RFC
Oadby Wyggestonian RFC, Oakmeadians RFC, Old Actonians RFC, Old Albanian RFC, Old Alleynian Rugby, Old Amplefordian RFC, Old Anselmians Rugby Club, Old Ashmolean RFC, Old Bealonians RFC, Old Blues Rugby Club
Painswick RFC, Pennanians RUFC, Penryn RFC, Penzance and Newlyn Rugby Football Club, Pershore Rugby Football Club, Peterborough RUFC, Petersfield Rugby Football Club, Phoenix Rugby Union Football Club, Pinner and Grammarians RUFC, Plymouth Argaum RFC
Quintin RFC
Ravens Rugby Football Club, Rayleigh Wyverns RUFC, Reading Rugby Football Club, Redcar Rugby Union Football Club, Redditch Rugby Club, Redingensians RFC, Redruth RFC, Reigate and Redhill RFC, Richmond Football Club, Ripley Rhinos RUFC
Sale, Saracens, Saffron Walden RFC, Sandbach RUFC, Sawston Rugby Club, Scarborough RUFC, Scunthorpe RUFC, Sedgley Park RUFC, Sefton RUFC, Sevenoaks RFC, Sheffield RUFC, Shelford Rugby Club
Tarleton Rugby Union Football Club, Taunton RFC, Teddington RFC, Teignmouth Rugby Football Club, Telford Hornets RUFC, Thamesians RFC, Thornbury Rugby Club, Thurrock RFC, Thurston RUFC, Tonbridge Juddians RFC
University College London Union Rugby Football Clu, University of Birmingham Medical School RFC, Upminster RFC, Upper Clapton Football Club, Uxbridge Rugby Football Club
Vale of Lune RUFC, Verwood Rugby Union Football Club, Vickers RUFC
The Wanderers RUFC, Wakefield Cougars RUFC, Wakefield RFC Supporters Club, Walcot Old Boys RFC, Wallace Wanderers Rugby Supporters, Wallasey Rugby Union Football Club, Warley Rugby Club, Wednesbury RUFC, Wellingborough Rugby Football Club, Welwyn Rugby Club
Yarm Rugby Club, York Rugby Union Football Club