english deutsch
Canberra Floorball Club
Located in the Australian Capital Territory. Includes news items, results, membership details, and upcoming events.
Floorball Association of WA
Details on floorball in Western Australia, including where to play and who to contact.
NSW Floorball
Information about leagues, teams, reasons to play, pictures and tips for beginners.
QLD Floorball Association
Teams, tournaments, leagues and news, as well as information for new members about practice times, equipment suppliers and how to bend a blade.
Spartan Floorball Club
Melbourne. Calendar, teams, history and pictures.
Sydney Blue Tongues Floorball
News and membership information.
The Victorian Floorball Association
News, where to play, discussion forum and links.
Thongs Floorball
Club in Newcastle, NSW. Information about the sport and the club, competitions, contact information, venues and picture gallery.