english deutsch
Adelaide Tigers
Club has three teams, Senior A, B and Junior A in south Australia. Find divisions, schedules, photos and team location.
Australian Ice Hockey Federation
Scores and standings for state and national teams, news, chat rooms, message boards, and links relating to ice hockey in Australia.
Blackhawks Ice Hockey Club
Scan news, forum and schedules for Melbourne, Australia club. Find calendar, rosters, schedules, and season in review
Braves Ice Hockey Club
Club from Victoria, Australia provides hockey for youth, men and women. Find teams, sponsors, news, and contacts.
Brisbane Buccaneers
Find teams, equipment list, game schedule, news, statistics, and statement from the club in Brisbane, Australia.
Canberra Ice Hockey
ACTIHA governs ice hockey in the Canberra region. Nationally Australian Ice Hockey Federation (AIHF) governs the sport. Find news, fees, summer camps and media releases.
Coffs Harbour Hornets
Team plays in the NSW Ice Hockey Association. Find photos information on how to join the club and related links.
Ice Hockey Queensland
Find links to Queensland's clubs, state teams, news and Australian and International Federations
Melbourne Ice
Melbourne's representative team in the Australian IHL national competion. Find an introduction to hockey, news, schedule, results and rules.
Melbourne Jets Ice Hockey Club
Scan news, rosters, sponsors, teams, and divisions for the club from the Victorian ice hockey association.
Melbourne Sharks Ice Hockey Club
Scan news, history, registration information, archives, teams, and divisions for the club from the Melbourne ice arena in Ringwood, Victoria.
National Youth Ice Hockey Team
2003 Australian national youth ice hockey team provides rosters, schedules, news, photos, and information on the 2002 team.
New South Wales Ice Hockey Association
Provide history, schedules, club info, rules, regulations, constitution, forms and policies.
North Stars Ice Hockey Club
Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia provides ice hockey for children and adults. Find divisions, teams, top stories, reports and news.
Southern Stars Ice Hockey
Based in Brisbane offers ice hockey programs for all ages. Features schedule, fees, team pages, and sponsors.
Sydney Bears Ice Hockey Club
Macquarie Centre, Australia offers ice hockey programs to players of all ages. Find teams, divisions, club merchandise, game and tournament schedules.
Sydney Bears Woman's Ice Hockey Team
The women's ice hockey league in Sydney consists of five teams. Scan a roster, links, game and tournament schedule.
Tasmanian Ice Hockey Association
Knights ice hockey club from Tasmania, Australia offers club profile, history and teams.
Victorian Ice Hockey Association
Find teams, divisions, club merchandise, game and tournament schedules. Moorabbin Victoria, Australia provides rules, news, rink locations and contact.
West Australian Ice Hockey Association
Perth, Western Australia Superleague ice hockey league provides news, game schedules, teams, rosters, standings and feature stories.
Wildcats Ice Hockey Club
Team plays in the Cockburn Ice Arena, Perth, Western Australia. Find club notices, fixtures, photos, results and statistics.
Womens Ice Hockey Victoria
Find history, photos, schedules and league information for women's ice hockey in Victoria, Australia.