english deutsch
Central States Hockey League
Standings, schedule, teams, player statistics, league updates, and president's corner for Junior B league.
Chiefs Jr. Hockey Club
Team information, roster, and schedule for team based in Dearborn Heights.
Cincinnati Cobras
Official site includes ice times, schedule, roster, tryouts, game recaps, statistics, and merchandise.
Cleveland Junior Lumberjacks
Players, team news, schedule, players corner, and league standings.
Columbus Stars
Lists their roster, announcements, game schedule, statistics, and results.
Flint Jr. Generals
Roster, schedule, statistics, coaching, management, news, links, and arena information.
Grand Rapids Owls
Team directory, schedule, roster, statistics, news, game log, alumni/history, tryouts, and map to arena.
Metro Jets
Team news, roster, schedule, statistics, 2000 Jets' draft picks, current CSHL standings, CSHL draft results, and tryout information.
St. Louis Jr. Blues Hockey Team
Players, team news, schedule, players' corner, league standings, and league top players.
Toledo Cherokee Jr. Hockey Club
Team news, schedule, players' statistics, team players, and information on web broadcasts.