english deutsch
Armstrong Shamrocks Lacrosse Club
Statistics and picture of the senior B team from Armstrong, B.C.
Brampton Excelsior's Major Lacrosse
Related links, pictures, game schedule and results, player profiles and team history.
Brooklin Redmen
Ontario, Canada team with news articles, related links, ticket information, player roster, game schedule and message board.
Coquitlam Adanac Lacrosse Club
History, records, schedule, standings, and player profiles for the British Columbia club.
Kitchener-Waterloo Braves Jr A Lacrosse Club
News, calendar, schedules, record, roster, photographs, and links. The club competes in the Ontario Lacrosse Association Junior A League.
Ottawa Lacrosse Club
Includes pictures, team information, and links.
New Westminster, Canada team with player roster and biographies, news articles, game summaries, upcoming events, pictures and sponsorship information.
Toronto Lacrosse Club
Calendar of events, game schedule, news items, player roster, message board, pictures and contact information.
Toronto Titans Women's Lacrosse League
Game schedules, news, player roster, pictures, and contact information. Open to all levels.