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All American Karate School and Kara Ju Te
Teaching the American martial arts systems and Shorin Ryu Karate. Features history, schedule, locations and related information.
Anshin School of Karate
Teaches Matsubayashi Shorin-ryu Karate-do in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Features school information, instructor profile, seminar pictures and links.
Arizona Martial Arts Academy
Site offers a class schedule, class description, and photo gallery.
Associated Karate School's Inc.
Site offers information on adults and childrens classes, map to the dojo, and photos.
Bonsai Martial Arts Schools
Teaching traditional Shorin Ryu Karate. Member of the NASRKA. Lists history, black belts, instructors, dojo terminology and rules, links, summer camp and general information.
Burlington Shorin-Ryu
School teaching Shorin Ryu (Matsubayashi) in North Carolina. Features history, lineage, school and contact information.
Burnside's Karate Academy
Offers Seibukan Shorin-ryu in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. Provides class schedule, belt rankings, news letter, and related links.
Campus Seiyo Shorin Ryu Karate and Kobudo
A new style of Shorin Ryu Karate, based on Traditional Okinawan Martial Arts, located in Laramie, Wyoming. Includes news, history, links, and contact information.
Cheech Luzzi's Northeast Karate
Shorin-Ryu Shorinkan Karate in Westerly, RI. Site features school information, schedule, and special events.
Collingwood Shorin-Kan Karate Dojo
School teaching Matsubayashi-Ryu (Shorin-Ryu.) Includes programs, instructors, FAQs, explanation of Karate, events and related information.
Cornwall Shorin-ryu Karate and Kobudo
Site offers style information and contact name and number.
Coszacks Karate Club Zanesville, Ohio
Site offers history, class information, links, pictures, and contact page.
Dermo Japan Karate School
Site containing links for contact, membership, gallery, videoclips and more.
East Coast Karate Family
Provides information about David Ahrens' school in Richmond, Rhode Island, and Cliff Cochran's school in Griswold, Connecticut. Offers news, pricing, schedule, history, picture gallery, and related links.
East West Connection
School located in Hales Corners, Wisconsin, teaching Schorin Ryu. Includes school and contact information.
Family Karate Center
Includes style history, instructor profiles, schedule, tournament events, program summary, and school policy and creed. Also offers virtual online training. Located in Havelock, North Carolina.
Gilbert's Academy of Martial Arts
School teaching Shorin Ryu. Site features terminology, pictures, history of style, students, calendar and programs. Rank requirements, schedule, fees and location. Includes aerobic kickboxing and self defense. [Damascus, MD]
Hikari Dojo
Matsubayashi-Ryu Karate-Do in Aiea, Hawaii. Features several articles on Shorin Ryu and Okinawan Karate. Also lists class times, instructors, links and related information.
Iha Karate Dojo
Site features origins, association information, photo gallery, links and events.
Indian River Karate
Located in Cocoa, Florida. Includes a live web cam on the indian river, schedule, membership details, links, and gallery.
Israel Karate Dojo Tel Aviv
General information and schedule.
Jackson's Shorin ryu Karate and Kobudo
We teach traditional Shorin ryu (Matsumura) Karate and Kobudo in Corpus Christi, Texas. Shubukan Dojo.
karate kickbox studio
Site offers contact information, class schedule, news, gallery, and links.
Karate Shorinkan
Traditional Okinawan Karate and Kobudo. Store, FAQs, online lessons, dojos, history, terminology and references. Includes camps, seminars and tournaments.
Karate-Do U.S.A.
Located in San Bruno, California. Includes class schedule, history of the style, and contact information.
Karate-Do USA
Karate-Do USA teaches the art of Shorin-Ryu originated from Okinawon, Japan, we are located in Daly City, CA.
Ken Carr Martial Arts
Traditional Shorin Ryu and Kobudo. Schedule, fees, location, weapons, competition, links and contact details. [Van Nuys, CA]
Kittery Kenshin Kan Karate Dojo
Kittery, ME Charter Member of Hanshi Fusei Kise's OSMKKF. History, links to other schools, photo gallery, calendar of events, and other related information.
Kyudo Mugen Karate Dojo USA
Located in Mendon, Massachusetts. Includes news, schedule, class descriptions, instructor profiles, lineage, Hilga family profile, katas, technique, and related links.
Larry Tankson's TAC Karate
School teaching Shobayashi Shorin Ryu. Site includes information on club and links. [Chicago, IL]
Legacy Shorinryu BC dojo's
Site with information on events, locations, instructors, curriculum, contact information, and guest book.
Martial Arts Studio of Pollocksville
M.A.S.P. Online is a dojo providing help for students of Karate to expand their knowledge. Site offers a live webcasting of classes.
Maryland Shidokan Shorin Ryu Karate
Features articles on Okinawan karate as well as historical lineage and biographies of Kobayashi masters. Located in Crofton, Maryland, USA.
Matsubayashi Shorin-Ryu Karate
Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu Karate of Santa Cruz, California. Includes history, instructor profile, link, and contact information.
Matsumura Shorin-Ryu
School teaching Shorin ryu (Matsumura) in Sebastian, FL. Includes history, news, and contact information.
Midtown Karate Dojo
School teaching Shorin ryu (Matsumura). Features schedule and history. [New York, NY]
NorthWest Budokan
Offers adult and youth classes. Includes program description and cost, instructor profiles, products, style history, rank certification, and links. Located in Everett, Washington with classes in Mukilteo.
O'saki Dojo - Okinawan Shorin Ryu
An Okinawan Shorin Ryu karate school located in Grand Prairie, TX offering private, group, and special classes.
Okinawa Shorin Ryu New Zealand
The Official Okinawa Shorin Ryu (Matsubiashi) Karate Club in New Zealand. Includes school information.
Okinawan Karate Club of Atlanta
Contains style details, katas, and related information.
Okinawan Karate Club of Dallas
Teaches Shorin Ryu Karate and Shudokan Karate, offering training in traditional martial arts and Okinawan weapons located in Dallas, Texas
Okinawan Karate School
School teaching Schorin Ryu (Matsubayashi-Ryu)in St. Louis, MO. Site features merchandise, class schedule, links, articles, and contact information.
Okinawan Shido-kan Shorin-ryu
History, schedule, events, pricing, location, dojo, links and general information. Located in St. Louis, MO.
Okinawan Shorin-Ryu Seito Karate Do
Okinawan Shorin-Ryu Karate school. Members of the USKK. [Palm Bay, FL]
Okinawan Temple Dojo
Shorin-Ryu Matsumura orthodox Karate. Background, images, etiquette, rules and general information. [Sebastian, Florida]
Plantcity Shorin-Ryu
Site offers class information, history, and class schedule.
Rayford Shorin-Ryu Karate and Kobudo
Site that includes information on Shorin-ryu karate, association information, dojo photos, kobudo information, contacts, and favorite links.
Roberts' Shorin-Ryu Karate
History, masters, instructors, dojo rules, terminology, black belt principles, lineage, kata list and news. [Guelph, Ontario]
Ryukyu Shorinji-Ryu Remmei
Includes style history, videos, class summary, and instructor profiles. Located in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.
Seishin Traditional Okinawan Karate Club
Traditional Okinawan Schorin Ryu Karate Club. Instructor profiles, class times and history. [Columbus, Ohio]
Shido Kan Canada Karate Dojo
Teaching Okinawan Shorin-Ryu Style of Karate known as Shido-Kan. Schedule, links, instructor profiles, news, FAQs and general information.
Shido-Kan Karate Dojo
Teaching traditional Okinawan Karate and Shorin-Ryu Shido-Kan Karate-Do in Fair Lawn, New Jersey. Includes shop, gallery, class schedule, news, events and general information.
Shinjinbukan Karate Dojo
Teaching Shorin Ryu Karate. History, dojo directory and instructor biographies.
Shinjinbukan Shorin Ryu Karate of Florida
Located in Cooper City, Florida. Born in Okinawa, Japan, Master Yoshihiko Shinzato is chief instructor. Features class schedule, instructor profiles, links, style description, and contact information.
Maryland's Private School for the Secret Martial Arts of "Shorinjutsu Ryu" offering(katate, kungfu, aikijutsu, kobudo and more for over 12 years so far..
Shorin Karate Studios
Site contains class schedules, locations, and general information.
Shorin-Ryu Karate Club of Belleville
School teaching Shorin Ryu In Belleville, Illinois. Includes school and contact information.
Shorin-Ryu Shorinkan Australia
Site includes History, karate training and contact information.
ShorinRyu Karate Club, Newark Ohio
Features terminology, photots, kobudo history, and contact information.
Shorinryu Karate School
Shorinryu Karate School. Site with articles, history, picture gallery, and class schedule.
Shorinryu-Karate Dojos
Teaching Okinawa Shorin-Ryu Karate in Florida and Minnesota. Includes Dojo locations and training times along with history, photos, etiquette, rules and contact information.
Slidell Karate
Slidell Karate is located in Slidell, Louisiana and offers instruction in Shorin Ryu Matsumura Seito Karate and Kobudo. All ages are welcome.
Steve Warren's Shorin-ryu Karate Academy
Includes history, instructor profiles, class information, merchandise, and an essay on the Israeli Haganah combat system. Located in Palestine, Texas.
The Hilliard Karate Academy
Instruction in the Okinawan martial art of Matsubayashi-ryu (Shorin Ryu). Includes news, school and contact information. Located in Hilliard, Ohio
The Karate Academy Shorin Ryu Karate
Training materials for students of Shorin Ryu Karate. Shorin Ryu classes taught in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Minnesota area.
Tolson's Okinawan Karate
Offers Matsumura sholin kenpo karate in Hugesville,Maryland. Includes history, instructor profile, class summary, and photos.
Tolson's Okinawan Karate
Site contains general information, history, class schedule, & web gallery.
Victoria Karate Shink-Kai
Teaching Okinawa Shorin Ryu Kikukawa Karate/Kobudo in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Includes lineage, history, photos, videos and contact information.