english deutsch
Koryo Taekwondo Academy Malaysia, Looi Martial Arts Taekwon-do Centre, Traditional Taekwondo Sports Centre, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Taekwondo
Laguna Taekwondo
Hong Kong Taekwondo Ohdokwan
General information on Tae Kwon Do and the Hong Kong Ohdokwan. Includes instructors, tenets, techniques and regulations. [Japanese/Chinese/English]
Island Taekwon-Do Centre
Features school information, events and links for this ITF school in Singapore.
Martial Art Academy of India
Teaches WTF-style in Delhi. Has photographs, syllabus, forms and principles.
Ng Chee Chui
Featuring Maris Stella High and Victoria Junior College, Singapore. Also, contains patterns, grading criteria and Zone magazine.
School of Taekwon-Do
Class information and schedule, school history, news, links and related general information. Based in Singapore.
SMJK Kwang Hua's Taekwondo Club
Information about this sport and his development in SMJK Kwang Hua.
Synergy Taekwondo
Both traditional and aerobic Taekwondo classes taught. Information on school and general interest articles.