english deutsch
All Nippon Kyudo Federation
Short english page with contact adresses.
American Kyudo Renmei
The national governing body for all Kyudo in the USA affiliated to the All Nippon Kyudo Federation (ANKF). Contract addresses and home pages of the USA state organizations and dojos.
Chozen-ji Betsuin/International Zen Dojo of Wiscon
An affiliate of Daihonzan Chozen-ji/International Zen Dojo in Honolulu, Hawaii, offers kyudo besides Rinzai Zen training.
Hokkaido University Kyudojo
A Japanese site with some English content. Movie of a Kyudoka, Japanese texts with English translation, a Japanese-English Kyudo dictionary.
Indiana Kyudo Renmei
Affiliated to ANKF/AKR. Practice times, location, photos and brief outlines of the art, the Wadokan dojo and instructors.
Bavarian association (DKyuB member) offering introduction, contact addresses and events. [English/German/French]
Kyudo Heki To-Ryu
On Heki To-Ryu in Italy, with a short history of the school and contact information for dojos. [English/Italian]
Kyudo in Japan
Bob Ridge's quite personal account of his training.
London Kyudo Society
Offering a short, illustrated introduction to backgrounds and history. Includes training schedule, events and links.
Meishin Kyudojo
Illustrated FAQs with information drawn from the author's book plus further reading, addresses, and links.
Miyako Kyudojo
A dojo in Washington DC
Nanka Kyudo Federation
Federation of Southern California, AKR-affiliated. Practice times and email contact.
The oldest extant kyudo ryu, which also includes horsemanship / yabusame and sophisticated etiquette at court. The english part of this web site contains a very short overview of the school`s history, current events and a picture of yabusame
Omuta Kyudo Renmei
Views of a dojo in Omuta in the Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Includes links. [English/Japanese]
Seishinkan Kyudojo
Contact information, translated texts of the Ogasawara Ryu and a longer text on the principles of training. [Palo Alto, CA]
Shiseikan Kyudo Dojo
Training schedules, contact information and test requirements. [San Jose, CA]
Suomen Kyudoliitto ry
The Finnish Kyudo Federation's web site (EKF-affiliated). Providing background information on the Heki-Ryu-Insai-Ha, contact addresses and links. [Finnish/limited English]
Texas Kyudo Renmei
Background information and links.
The Kyudo Project Incorporated
Serving the active kyudoka outside Japan, dedicated to "timely and accurate information". Worldwide contact addresses and links, lots of competent background information, articles, and translations of Japanese texts.
The Myth of Zen in the Art of Archery
An essay on Eugen Herrigel's book "Zen In The Art of Archery" by Professor Yamada Shoji, published in the Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, volume 28/1 (pdf file, free Acrobat Reader needed).
The White Rose Kyudojo
This dojo in London is the oldest public kyudo club in Great Britain, features training address and email, club history, and kyudo background.
United Kingdom Kyudo Association
The kyudo association of Great Britain (EKF-affiliated), very short information and an email address
Zenko International
Kyudo organization of Kanjuro Shibata XX, with information on history and lineage, a list of events and dojos