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Combat Games
Independent paintball review site for the United Kingdom. Features news, online forums, and paintballing fields and equipment reviews.
Paintball Forum
Reviews of new paintball products, along with events and a message forum.
Paintball Gun
Marker reviews and links to stores.
Paintball Gun Review
Technical, in-depth reviews of paintball markers and equipment.
Paintball Guns and Games Reviews
Learn how to play, or read articles with tips on different games. Includes reviews of paintball gun equipment and fields.
Paintball Guns Equipment
Independent technical reviews of markers and goggles.
Paintball Marker Review
Paintball pictures, reviews, and feedback forum.
Paintball Paradise
Paintball gun reviews, Autocockers, Tippmanns, and Spyders. Also barrels, Co2, and accessories.
Paintball Tips And Tricks
Paintball gun, supplies, and accessories reviews. Also, field and game tips.
Reviews written by players on markers and accessories. Free e-mail accounts, chat, and polls.