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ASA Hall of Fame: Howard Cosell
Induction notice from the American Sportscasters Association includes eulogy by Dick Enberg and photograph.
Howard Cosell
Find A Grave listing with biographical details, career highlights, photograph, and interactive archive for leaving messages and virtual flowers. Notes that the location of his body is unknown.
Howard Cosell
Listing with JewishSports.com taken from the Encyclopedia Judaica. Includes his reconnection with Judaism after the Munich Olympics massacre.
Howard Cosell
Filmography at IMDb with actor credits from TV and movies and notable television guest appearances.
Howard Cosell Dies at 77
Extended obituary statement from the Washington Post includes analysis of his life and career, comments on his style and opposition to racism, and evaluation of his impact on broadcast sports.
Howard Cosell: Telling It Like It Was
Donald Kimberlin reminisces about the influence the sportscaster had on television broadcasting and upon himself. With pictures and links.
Telling It Like It Was About Howard Cosell
Shirley Povich remembers the sportscaster and celebrity with quotes and a somewhat unflattering profile in the Washington Post.
The Legacy and Legend of Howard Cosell
James Campion's eulogy to the American broadcasting icon. Notes his penchant for the limelight, his attachment to those of fame, and his courage.