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Guide to Hashing in Korea
History of Hashing in South Korea, with links to all South Korean kennels of the Hash House Harriers.
Korea Mystery Hash House Harriers
Meets in various locations around Korea for a snare the Hare style Hash.
Mixed All Seoul Hash House Harriers
Family-oriented hash group that meets the third Saturday of every month.
Olsan Bulgogi Hash House Harriers
Located in Songtan and includes photos and next event date and location.
Seoul Hash House Harriers
Men's club founded in 1972, the oldest in Korea. Runs every Saturday. Site includes contacts, news, and history.
Seoul Southside Hash House Harriers
Running every Monday evening in Seoul since October 1999. Site includes schedule, contact people, photos, and news.
Taegu San-Tokie Hash House Harriers
Hashing in South Korea since 1999.
Yongsan Kimchi Hash House Harriers
Hashing in Seoul since 1987. Site includes schedule, contacts, photos, announcements, and instructions for joining the club's e-mail list.