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Bagleys Rollerdisco
Details on a weekly Rollerdisco in London with opening times, transport information and a gallery.
Brighton Skate
Offers private inline skating lessons, courses, local weather info and links.
Citiskate Inline UK
London skating company offering rollerblading lessons and group skate trips abroad as well as a skate rental and shop guide, and skate map of central London. Oversees London's weekly Rollersoccer events.
Information on skating tips, events and links to activities across the UK
London Easy Peasy skate
Weekly Saturday group skate in Battersea park with info on equipment requirements, location information and Easter Egg skate launch
London Friday Night Skate
Site for the weekly London Friday night skate including routes, FAQs and details of the monthly One World Skate.
London Inline Marathon
General information, route photos, visitor information, and registration instructions for this event that was first introduced in 2003.
London Rollersoccer
Contains health and skater benefits to inline skaters, media, details of weekly London practise sessions as well as World Cup results and match reports.
London Skaters
Inline skate reviews, tutorials, video clips, trip reports, interviews, event information, and related links. Site London-based but it includes both local and general information about inline skating.
London Wednesday Night Skate
Official site with route information, meeting times, maps, frequently asked questions, a photo gallery and a mailing list.
Roller Stroll
London's weekly Sunday skate incorporating the Sunday Stroll. Site features a history section, skate rules, photos and future route info.
Skate UK
Site with a reviews, locations, categorised links and technical how-tos for a wide ranging of skating disciplines.
Articles, news, and links related to skating around the world.
UKISA - UK Inline Skating Association
National body for the recreational division of the sport offering instructor development programmes, tips for promoting responsible skating and details of the May National Inline Skating Week
Urban Skaters
Resource for street skating in London. Includes forum, local events, and rules of the road.