english deutsch
Burnaby Girls Soccer Club
Teams playing at the U6 through U19 level. News, schedule, calendar, club information, and contacts.
London Shooting Stars
News, calendar, schedules, roster, links, and contacts. London, Ontario.
Metro Women's Soccer League
The league supports division 1 to 3 and premier soccer in Vancouver.
Includes schedules, practice times, results, scorers and standings. Ladies over 35 playing in a classics soccer league.
RHSC 1994 Girls Rep B Raiders
The official site with schedules, calendar, standings, locations, links, and contacts. Members of the York Region Soccer League.
Southwestern Ontario Women's Soccer League
The league is dedicated to promoting women's and girls soccer by providing a stable league and fun tournaments.
Surdel Girls Soccer League
League and registration information, team standings, coaching tips, and related links.
Womens Only Soccer Camps
Offers a range of programs including the abc's of soccer, team building and tailored programs for individuals, teams and corporations. British Columbia.