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Alberta Volleyball Association
Latest news, results, program, information about indoor and beach, staff overview, shop and link collection.
British Columbia Volleyball Association
The BCVA is the provincial sport governing body which actively encourages and provides opportunities to enjoy, participate and excel in the sport of volleyball.
Manitoba Volleyball Association
Elite athlete, coaching and officiating program information, Hall of Fame guidelines, as well as provincial tournaments and results.
Newfoundland and Labrador Volleyball Association
Championships schedule, coaching clinics, results, and contacts.
Saskatchewan Volleyball Association
Information about the association, news, results, programs and coaching information.
Vancouver Island Volleyball Association
Club contact details, rule book, players camps, beach volleyball information, coaching clinics, registration, executive, and results.
Volleyball Canada
National team news, press releases, and contacts from the association which governs volleyball in Canada.
Volleyball New Brunswick
Programs, competition, results, and coach and official information.
Volleyball Nova Scotia
Programs, clinics, events, results and contacts.