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Atlantic Rowing Challenge
Atlantic Challenge 2002, Atlantic Challenge 2005 Dartmouth, Atlantic Rowing Challenge 2001, Atlantic Rowing Challenge 2003 and 2005, Kiwis conquer the Atlantic, Noah's ARC - Atlantic Rowing Challenge, Team Bright Spark, Trans Atlantic Rowing 2001, Woodvale Atlantic Rowing Race, Yantu
Cape Gig Club
Includes news, views, weather, tide times, fixtures and photographs. Cape Cornwall, England.
Debra Veal
Story of solo Atlantic row after emergency stand-in for husband. Also details on current occupation as international speaker.
Eric Sponberg design review: Ocean Rowing Boat
This design was commissioned by none other than Sir Chay Blyth and used for the 1997 and 2001 Atlantic Rowing Challenges.
Goree Challenge - The Middle Passage
A 8,000 Mile Solo Transatlantic Rowing Expedition. From Goree Island, Senegal to New York City.
Ocean Challenge 2003
Jim Shekhdar planning to row solo from New Zealand to Cape Town across the Southern Ocean.
Ocean Four - Team Holland
A Dutch team competing in the Ocean Fours Rowing Challenge 2005.
Ocean Rowing Society
Articles, statistics and photos. UK-based organisation for the co-ordination and recording of ocean rows.
Ocean Rowing Society Atlantic Rowing Regatta
The 2004 ORSARR started January 20th. From La Gomera, Canary Islands, to Barbados. Visit photo album and read logs.
Atlantic Spirit will set off from Newfoundland, Canada in June and intends to finish in the Isles of Scilly 32 days later rowed by a crew of four.
Pacific Odyssey - Trans North Pacific Row
Two Royal Marines attempt to row the North Pacific unsupported in 2001. Daily journal and photos via satellite posts, news links.
Solo Ocean Rowing Marathon
The program of Russian Fedor Konyukhov's ocean rowing marathon in the ocean rowboat "URALAZ" with a route of La Gomera - Barbados.
Tori Murden's Atlantic Solo Row
American woman's solo attempt to row the Atlantic.
Trans-Atlantic Rowing Team 2005
A team of 4 young doctors racing across the North Atlantic in 2005 in a rowing boat.
Trans-Tasman Ocean Rowing Race, 2003
International crews sought for rowing race across the Tasman Sea. Adventurous four person crews required.
Troika Transatlantic
The headline-grabbing story of Debra and Andrew Veal, the husband and wife team where he got off and left her to row solo for 100 days.