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Dancing With Dogs
Asked to explain what drew her to Alaska and the Iditarod, a Florida teacher wrote this essay before her first visit, capturing much of the wonder and awe children feel for the same topics.
History of the Iditarod - What the Race is All Abo
The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race, an Alaskan tradition built over the past 25 years, remains one of the most unique and arduous athletic tests of our time.
Mrs.Morgan's Iditarod Adventure
Thoroughly researched, Ann Morgan's site provides teachers and fans with both information and links to related topics, many of which are as relevant to a study of Alaskan history as the Iditarod. Well worth a look, especially if you're one of those looking for last minute ideas on how to teach the race.
The Iditarod in Room 012
Although similar in style to other sites that list links and info regarding the Iditarod, this site distinguishes itself by looking into native lore and customs and boom towns in Alaska.