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A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, Horror, Humor
Awards and Bestsellers
American Library Association, BCALA Literary Awards, Book Sense Bestsellers, BookBrowse.com, Discover Great New Writers Award, Independent Publisher Book Awards, International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award, Koret Jewish Book Awards, Lambda Literary Awards, Lettre Ulysses Award
Reviews, Specific Texts Online, Biography Project, Eric Weisstein's Treasure Trove of Scientific, HistoryLink101 Biography, Lives, the Biography Resource, Sherwood Times, The Classical Fiction Writers, Vandergrift's Biography and Autobiography Pag, Women's Travel Writing, 1830-1930
Chats and Forums
Abe Books, Biblio Community Forum, BookChatCentral, Books and Reading Forum, Bookshelved Wiki, Dictionary of Imaginary Places, Eat Ink., English Literature Message Board, Enter The Muse, Jollyroger.com Classical Portal
Authors, Awards and Bestsellers, Children's Series Books, Children's Space Books, Directories, Online Books, Reviews, Spanish Books, Young Adult, 19th Century Girls Series, A World of Imagination, African Children's Literature, Alice and Beyond: English Children's Books, American Juvenile Collection, Author Spotlight, Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site, Centre for International Research in Childhood: Li, Children's Bibliographies, Children's Book Council of Australia
Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual, Latino, Native American, Contemporary Diverse Voices
About: Contemporary Literature, Digital Book Index, Dustbooks, Esmeralda.com, Inlibris, Links to Literature, Literary Resources on the Net, Literature Classics, LitLinks, Readers Read Online Book Resources
16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century, 19th Century, 20th Century, Ancient Greek, Ancient Roman, Contemporary, Elizabethan, Medieval
Electronic Text Archives
Project Gutenberg, Religion and Spirituality, Universities, Access: The Great Books, Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts, ArmenianHouse.org, Bartleby.com, Bibliomania, Blackmask Online, Bootlegbooks, Bralyn E-text Archive, byGosh.com, Classic Reader
16th Annual Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literar, DIY Book Festival, Fall for the Book, LA Zine Fiesta, Litquake, National Book Festival, New York is Book Country, North Carolina Literary Festival, Prague Writers' Festival, The Age Melbourne Writers' Festival
English Server Fiction, Focus: Fiction, Modern Fiction Studies, Mostly Fiction, Overbooked, The InterText Library, The New Face of Fiction
Cyberpunk, Espionage and War, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Horror, Humorous Fiction, Inspirational Fiction, Mystery, Nature Writing, Romance
580 Split, Aesthetica, Antithesis, Appalachian Heritage, Arethusa, Bridge Magazine, Chicago Review, Cimarron Review, Combo, Comparative Literature Journal of the University o
Magazines and E-zines
Zines, A Literary Bent Magazine, Alaska Quarterly Review, Atlantic Online, Ballyhoo Stories, Bias Onus Quarterly, Bikwil, Boston Review, call: review, Caveat Lector, Central Sierra Seasons
Myths and Folktales
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J
Online Reading
Book Previews, Amelia Earhart - The Salvaging of NR16020, An online magazine of horror, Aprilchick.com, AwesomeStories.com, BEKS Endeavors, Blue, Chasing The Wind, Classic Short Stories, Common Scents Stardusterzine, Cuban Stories and other Tales
John Adams Institute, NetRead's EventCaster, Salon.com: Audio, Seeing Ear Theatre, Spoken Interludes, Telltale Weekly, Wired for Books, ZBS
Periods and Movements
Beat, Bloomsbury Group, Enlightenment, Existentialism, Hard-Boiled, Lost Generation, Magical Realism, Medieval, Metafiction, Modernism
Contemporary, Criticism and Theory, Directories, Electronic Text Archives, Forms, Genres, In Translation, Interactive, Magazines and E-zines, Organizations
Reading Groups
BookCrossing, Children's Reading Groups, Publisher's Reading Group Pages, Readers of Black Literature, Resources, 52 books, Adbooks, BCR Book Club, Best In Books, Between Friends Literary Group, Bibliofemme, Biblion Boys' Club, Book Break, Book Clique Cafe, Book Movement
Reviews and Criticism
Authors, Directories, Magazines and Newspapers, Personal Pages, Reader-Submitted, Theory, A Book Lover's Book Reviews, Atu XVIII Book Reviews, Beatrice, Berks Books, berniE-zine: Book Reviews & More, Between the Lines, Blether, Blown Fuse Reviews, Book Help Web, Book Lore
Short Stories
Awards, Classics, Contemporary, Annenberg/Corporation for Public Broadcasting Exhi, Elements of the Short Story, Forming Connections and Awakening Visions, Short Stories Reflections of Two Worlds, StoryBites, The Short Story Group, The Short Story: A Slice of Life
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J
World Literature
African, Albanian, American, Arabic, Australian, Belgian, Bengali, British, Bulgarian, Canadian
A Celebration of Women Writers
Comprehensive listing of links to biographical and bibliographical information about women writers, and complete published books written by women. Searchable by time period, country, and author's last name.
A Collection of Classics
Lets users explore the meaning of a "classic," introduces users to the authors who have written classics, gets users on the path to making their own classics.
The digital counterpart of the American Library Association's Booklist magazine. Reviews of the latest books and (more recently) electronic media.
Features book reviews and news, reading lists, and author and publisher information.
Dictionary of Phrase and Fable
Bartleby.com's publication of Brewer's classic. Includes derivation, source, or origin of common phrases, allusions, and words.
Electronic Literature Directory
A comprehensive database of listings for electronic works, their authors, and their publishers. The descriptive entries cover poetry, fiction, drama, and nonfiction that makes significant use of electronic techniques.
How to Excel in an Undergraduate Literature Course
Advice from a professor on what to expect and how to excel in college literature courses.
Invisible Library
A collection of imaginary authors and titles mentioned within real books.
Littera Scripta
E-mail lists and conferences relating to books, reading, and literature.
Study guides and discussion forums offered on various academic subjects. Literature section includes brief analyses of characters, themes and plots.
Reading list for university study, with synopses, background and selected texts for works covered.
The Electronic Labyrinth
Both utilizes and focuses upon the medium of hypertext as it relates to literature and its concrete manifestations--from palimpsests to mechanically printed books to CD-ROMs -- throughout history to the present, with speculation on the future.
The Independent Literature Institute
A non-profit co-operative for self-publishing authors and independent publishers.
The Libyrinth
Site focuses on 20th century contemporary literature and author resources available online.