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About.com: Chinese Classical Literature, Chinese, Chinese Legend of White Snake, Daily Tao, a complete Tao Te Ching, Daoist Scriptures, Dream of the Red Chamber, Exploring Ancient World Cultures, Highlights of Ancient Chinese Stories, Monkey King's World, Outlaws of the Marsh
Bei Dao, Can Xue, Interview with Bei Dao
Chinese Literature
Sun Tzu
The Art of War, About the Art of War, Air War College, Balkan Sun Tzu vs. the NATO Clausewitz, Bibliography, Brad Haugaard, CDI.org, Colleen Holmes, Columbia Encyclopedia, Cuong Huynh, Daily Sun Tzu The Art of War
China the Beautiful
Extensive database of Chinese literature as well as other aspects of Chinese arts and culture.
Chinese Characters and Culture
Chinese language and culture site with literature from Lao Zi to the present day. Individual Chinese characters linked to English translation.
Chinese Fable Stories
Includes many Chinese stories, legends, proverbs, and idioms.
Chinese Literature
Includes children's literature, criticism and theory, folk literature, magazines, novels, opera and drama.
Chinese Literature
Provides overview on selected works of Chinese literature.
Chinese Literature at Paramount Magic
Web site offers scholarly Chinese books transcribed in English.
Chinese Text Initiative
Big 5 texts with English translation of Chinese literature, including 300 Tang poems and Gu Yao Yan.
Chinese Works Library
Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching and Confucius' The Great Learning.
Classical?Chinese Primer
List of great Chinese works for the uninitiated.
Michelle Yeoh Web Theatre
Information and outline on Wang Du Lu's novels.
Hong-Kong-based magazine featuring translations of classical and contemporary Chinese literature.
Songs and Stories of the Hua Miao
Tales from the A-hmao people of Yunnan and Guizhou.
Xiaowen Zeng
Chinese short stories, poems, and proses.