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Cast and Crew, All-Reviews.com: Ghostbusters, CBUB Fights: Ghostbusters vs. The X-Files, Coming Attractions, ECTO-WEB, eraser99's Ghostbusters Prop Page, Ghostbuster World, Ghostbusters Fan Forum, Ghostbusters Prop Archvie, Ghostbusters Training Central, Ghostbusters, Inc: Alaskan Division
Ghostbusters II
Cast and Crew, IMDb - Ghostbusters II, The 80's Movies Rewind
Destination Hollywood: Ghostbusters Series
Synopses, cast lists, photographs, video clips, quotes, trivia, news, and message boards for all the films in the series.
Fansite dedicated to the Ghostbusters' car. Pictures, multimedia, automobile history, and links.
Ghostbusters Prop Archive
Provides details on how to create replicas of the props used in the films. Includes blueprints, descriptions, and example pictures for a variety of props. Also features tutorials and a community message board.
Official Ghostbusters Site
DVD release information, about the director, and sweepstakes contest details.
The Ghostbusters Database
Includes descriptive information on the history of the movies and television series, an extensive item list, fan fiction and related links.