english deutsch
Amazons of Sarmatia, Amazons Unite, Amazons Unite
Earth and Sky and Sea, Lord Semirith Athalian
Amaraya, Archaic, Desperate Hearts, FantasySOLDIER, FFX Ultima Omega RPG, Midnight Dogs, Mythical Odyssey Forum, Red River Role Play, Redwall and Beyond, Shattered Lands of Destiny
Characters, Chats and Forums, Guilds, Rules and Guidelines, Taverns, Balamb School of Fighting, Belouve Manor, Best of Players Helping Players, Bestiary, Council of Novaen, Hollywood's Roleplay Rules, Library of Xenograg the Sorcerer, Ostellians:, QCoins, Realm of Ascentia
Science Fiction
Colliding Worlds, The Legend Of Dragoon--The Shadow Prophecies, Wing Commander: Battle For Engima
A website based on, and companion to, the AOL message board of the same name.
Dungeons and Dragons world that uses the 3rd Edition rules and is played in AOL chat rooms.
BaSotR Forum
A Dark/Neutral forum for use in the Arts and Entertainment Section of AOL. Become a part of online chat room role play.
Chronicles of Duogena
AOL-based roleplaying guild that is also known as the Dark Ages Guild.
Final Fantasy Xtreme RPG
RPG for AOL users with rules and joining information.
Legions of Vyst Central Web Orb
Orb that is based on America Online Roleplaying. It is a "Guild" which is run by humans behind computers.
Realm of Souls
Roleplay Realm and forum for AOL chat. White Wolf information, mostly V:tM.
Realm of the Hidden Blade
An AOL chat room RPG, set in a realm far from Rhydin and their ways. Not discriminating against race, but rather distributing their dice by class and amount of activity.
Sephalen Town
Customize your own character and join different towns. You will be able to choose different jobs and join platoons.
The Land of Malena: A Role Playing Site
A role playing site based on its own story, with innovative ideas and great members.