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Personal Pages, Audrey the Brave, Austin's Miracle Fund, B.A.S.E. CAMP Children's Cancer Foundation, British Medical Journal: Second Primary Cancers af, Camp Quality, Childhood Leukemia - St Jude, Children's Brain Tumor Foundation, Children's Cancer Research Fund, Children's Cancer Web, CureSearch
Cardiovascular Disorders
Kawasaki Disease, Carson's Heart Page, Children and Heart Disease, Experience Journal - Pediatric Heart Disease, Healing Your Child's Heart, Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, Little Hearts, Pacemakers for Children, Pediheart, Rush Children's Heart Center, Scott's Heart Page
Congenital Disorders
Abnormal Sex Differentiaton
Digestive Disorders
Biliary Atresia, Infant Colic, Necrotizing Enterocolitis, Cel-Kids, Celiac (Coeliac) Disease, Constipation in Children, Constipation in Children, Gastroenteritis in Children, Gastroenterology: Celiac Disease in Children, Intussusception, Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula (TOF)
Ear Infection
Antibiotics and Ear Infections, DrGreene.com - Ear Infections, Ear Infection, Ear Infections - Doctor's Guide, Ear Infections and Children, Earaches: A Painful Problem for Many Children, Mayo Clinic: Ears and Hearing, Middle Ear Infection, New Vaccine Could Mean Fewer Childhood Ear Infecti, NIDCD Health Information: Otitis Media
Encopresis, Encopresis and Children, Heather's Encopresis Site, Primary Nonretentive Encopresis and Stool Toiletin
Infectious Diseases
Chickenpox, Croup and Your Child, Epiglottitis, Group B Streptococcal Infections, Infection Detection Protection, Infectious Diseases in Children, Keep Kids Healthy, National Pediatric AIDS Network
Musculoskeletal Disorders
Arthritis in Children, Childhood Arthritis Message Board, David's Plagio Pages, Osteopetrosis Support Trust, Pediatric Rheumatology Home Page, Perthes Association, Perthes Disease, The Children's Hospital at Westmead - Perthes
Neurological Disorders
Febrile Seizure, Brianna: Canavan Leukodystrophy, Epilepsy in Children, Epilepsy in Young Children, Hope for Muscular Dystrophy, Integrated Neurocare, International Foundation for Alternating Hemiplegi, L'Oiseau Bleu (The Blue Bird), Landau-Kleffner Syndrome, NINDS: Infantile Spasms, Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
Respiratory Disorders
Ask the Doctor: The Respiratory Disorders Forum, Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, Asthma Health Factsheet, Biennial International Congress on Lung Diseases i, Bronchiolitis, Bronchiolitis and Your Child, NewsRx Report Series on Respiratory Medicine Resea, Parents of Infants with Apnoea, Respiratory Distress Syndrome of the Newborn, Smoking Mom; A Possible Cause of Asthma in Childre
Reye's Syndrome
Childhood Infections - Reye's Syndrome, National Reye's Syndrome Foundation, Reye's Syndrome, Reye's Syndrome, Reye's Syndrome, The Arc's Q&A on Reye's Syndrome
Alliance for Infant Survival, American Academy of Pediatrics Safe Bedding Recomm, Arizona SIDS Foundation, Considering Alexander SIDS Foundation, Inc., Cot Life Society U.K, eMedicine Health: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SI, European Society for the Study and Prevention of I, Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths (FSID), Guild for Infant Survival - Orange County, Heavens Angels
Skin Disorders
Eczema, Cradle Cap
Arkansas Children's Hospital
Describes sleep disorders treated at their hospital, including conditions that may lead to SIDS.
Birth Marks
Describes vascular anomalies, birthmarks, hemangiomas, and port wine stains, and their treatment.
Bladder Disorders in Children at Seek Wellness
Offers information about various incontinence conditions in children and possible treatments from by expert, Diane Newman.
CDC Health Topic: Infants and Children
Survey of child and infant diseases and conditions from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
CHARGE Syndrome Association
Provides information about CHARGE syndrome, related disorders, therapies and outcome.
Child and Teen Health Topics
Compilation of child and teen diseases and conditions by Medline from the National Institute of Health.
Children and Chronic Illness
Treatment resources for children with chronic illness.
Information and ideas to help kids reduce stress and teaches the healthy benefits.
Common Problems in Pediatrics
Articles about common childhood illnesses. For health professionals and consumers.
Fetal (Foetal) Alcohol Syndrome
Features information and support for parents and health professionals.
Describes the management of this abnormality of the abdominal wall, which can be diagnosed antenatally.
Guide to Your Child's Symptoms
Information from the American Academy of Pediatrics with advise on children's symptoms.
Health report about the increase of children in North America diagnosed with type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes. Nutrition suggestions given.
Major Aspects of Growth in Children (MAGIC)
An organization providing support and education regarding growth disorders in children, as well as related adult disorders.
Micro and Anopthalmic Children's Society (MAC
Provides support and information for parents and professionals, about the eye disorders Microphthalmia, Anophthalmia, Coloboma and related conditions.
My Child Has
Health and parenting issues are discussed regarding conditions and diseases.
Neonatal Jaundice
Basic information about jaundice in newborn infants, why it happens, how it's treated and links.
Pediatric Oncall: Acute Abdomen
An approach to the diagnosis and management of this emergency condition.
Suite101 - Childhood Diseases
Patient-oriented articles.
Tobacco Use by Children
Report from the World Health Organization.
Tomatis Listening Method
Auditory intervention for learning disabilities, autism, PDD, ADD, and other learning challenges.
Tonsil Help
A guide for parents, with information on symptoms and treatment options.
Triple X Syndrome
Information and support for parents with daughters having this gennetic disorder, with scientific literature and contacts.