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Avoiding Corn, Avoiding Corn in Canada, Corn Allergens, Delphi Forums: Avoiding Corn, MotherNature.com: Corn-Free Diet
AAIA: Milk Allergy: The Facts, About.com: Milk Allergy, Auckland Allergy Clinic: Cows Milk Allergy, Calgary Allergy Network: Milk Allergy, Cow's Milk is for Baby Cows, Eating Without Casein, Internet Symposium on Food Allergens: Cow's M, LabSpec: Milk Allergens, Lactose Intolerance versus Milk Allergy, Milk Allergy and Lactose Intolerance
American Farm Bureau Federation: Banning Mr. Peanu, Conscious Choice: My Peanut Allergy, Institute of Child Health: Peanut Allergy Factshee, PeanutAllergy.Com, RxList: Nuttin' Left, University of Chicago Hospitals: Peanut Allergy Di
Heartland Fields: Allergies and Soy Review, How to Live With an Allergy to Soy, NoSoy: Support for Soy Allergy, Soy Allergy Diet, Soya.be: Soy Allergy
ABC of Allergies: Food Allergy
Clinical review by Carsten Bindslev-Jensen includes types of adverse reactions, common food and occupational allergens, testing, and treatment.
Help for parents of children with severe peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, soy, pet and infant allergies.
Allergies and Food Sensitivities - Amsterdam Klini
Introduction to this disorder, classic reactions, intolerance, diagnosis and treatment.
Alletess Medical
Food allergy testing laboratory provides information and help finding an associated physician in your area.
Canadian Food Inspection Agency: Food Recalls and
Notices to warn the public about food safety issues. Option to receive the alerts by email.
Children with Milk and other Food Allergies
Personal site with links and books for further reference. Tips in dealing with this disorder in children and a list of dairy free products.
eMedicine Health: Food Allergy
Overview, causes, symptoms, tests, and treatments.
FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition:
Allergen information, allergy alerts, food inspection and labelling, and policy statements.
Food Allergen Labeling Consumer Protection Act
Food labeling practices and legislation in the US as they relate to those with severe food allergies.
Food Allergies and Allergens
A guide, including lists of food colors, additives and chemicals that also trigger hyper activity in children. Causes, symptoms, treatments, allergy medicine, forums, recipes, links, books and advise.
Food Allergies and Anaphylaxis in Schools
Issues and management of food allergies for school age children
Food Allergies and Intolerances in Babies and Chil
Information about intolerance and food allergy in babies and children. Explains why babies diagnosed with colic could be due to an allergy to food dyes or additives.
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN)
Nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing about a clearer understanding of the issues surrounding food allergies and providing helpful resources.
Food Allergy Connection
General information about severe food allergies, and links to support groups, articles, and products. Offers seminars for schools and support groups in the Kansas City area.
Food Allergy Initiative
Non-profit organization provides information and raises awareness of food allergies, and perfoms fund-raising for food allergy research.
Food Allergy Survival Guide
Personal page describing information learned from having a child anaphylactic to milk and eggs.
Food Allergy Survivors Together (FAST)
Support for people world-wide with food allergies in the family. Chat and recipes.
Food Allergy Testing Ltd
Food allergy and intolerance testing via the Vega test method.
Food Anaphylactic Children Training and Support As
Australian non profit organization that provides information, training and emotional support. Includes information about allergies, food alerts, labelling, support for parents, and advice on handling the stress.
Food Can Make You Ill
Guide to food intolerance, articles on salicylate sensitivity, food diaries, and e-books.
Food Insight: Food Allergies go Back to School
Overview of managing allergies in the lunchroom and classroom. Includes links.
Food Standards Agency: Foods That Cause Allergy
The big eight and less common allergic foods and food groups.
Food You Can Eat
Methods of selection and preparation of food for sufferers of food allergies.
Home in on Health
Mail order blood testing service to detect food sensitivity problems for over 90 foods, books and other products.
IFIC: Understanding Food Allergy
Overview of food allergies and information on food additives and dyes, including those exempt from certification.
Joneja Food Allergen Scale
Charts of foods arranged by allergenicity and the order solid foods should be introduced to an allergic infant.
Kids With Food Allergies
Nonprofit charity providing a forum for parents of children with severe food allergies and related problems.
La Leche League: Allergies and the Breastfeeding
Includes allergy symptoms, breastfeeding an allergic child, and potential methods of preventing children from developing allergies.
Living Without Magazine
Lifestyle magazine for people with food allergies and sensitivities. Recipes for people on gluten-free, dairy-free, casein-free, corn-free, soy-free and other special diets. Helpful articles and inspiring personal stories.
Mayo Clinic: Food Allergy
A description of the affliction, its symptoms, causes and risk factors.
No Sulfites
Identifies the many forms of sulfite and sulfur dioxide food preservatives. Calculates the amount of sulfite from data on food labels. Presents information linking asthma, headache and fatigue to sulfites.
Overcoming Food Intolerances
A food treatment method for non-severe food intolerances to prevent headaches and fatigue.
Symposium on Food Allergens
International data collection, reviews, journal searches and book lists for food allergies.
The Allergy Cafe
Information for improving the lives of food allergy sufferers, resources, information, support and products.
When Food becomes the Enemy
Learn about allergic reactions, the most common foods that cause problems in children, having multiple allergies and about food labeling.
YorkTest Laboratories
Provides testing services for food allergy and intolerance problems.