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Arame and Broccoli (Raw), Arame Rice Patties, Arame Salsa, Arame Sea Vegetable Bread, Arame: A Treasure from the Sea, Cauliflower-Green Bean Salad With Arame
Atlantic Mariculture Ltd., Garden Salad with Dulse and Roasted Walnuts, Irish Dulse Soda Scones, Montrealfood.com: Dulse, Palmaria, Pumpkin Seed-Dulse Condiment, Vegan Endive and Dulse Salad
Amy's Bean and Hijiki Pie, Chang Chang Hijiki Salad, Fresh Tofu and Hiziki Saute, Hijiki Seaweed Salad, Hiziki and Carrots, Hiziki Caviar with Cornmeal Blini, Hiziki Streudel, In Season: (Not) Worms of the Sea, Marinaded Hijiki, Stewed Hijiki
Irish Moss
Carrageen Bramble Flan, Carrageen Moss Pudding from Belleville, Carrageen Peppermint Cream, Honey and Lemon Carrageen Pudding, Irish Moss Ginger Jelly, Irish Moss Jelly, Irish Moss Pudding
Better than Jello, Chew into Tapioca Strips and Kanten, Fruit Kanten with Fruit Mousse, Peach and Berry Kanten, Strawberry Kanten, Summer's Jell-O Alternative: Agar Agar, Vegetarian Gelling Agents
Cooking with Kombu, Kombu, Kombu Dipping Sauce, Kombu Recipes, Kombu Stock for Miso Soups, Rice with Kombu Seaweed, Soup Stocks, The Humble Bean
California Nori Rolls, Chicken Nori Rolls, Low Carb Nori Wraps, Navarro Oysters (Nori Tempura), Nori, Nori Maki, Nori Seaweed Recipes, Vegan Goddess Wraps
Fact Sheet: Rock Samphire, Samphire, Sea Asparagus
Avocado, Apple, and Wakame Seaweed Salad, Carrots, Turnips, Leeks with Wakame Seaweed, Clear Soup with Wakame, Miso and Wakame Soup, Orange Wakame Salad, Rehydrating Dried Wakame Seaweed, Wakame Salad, Wakame, Bean Thread, and Cucumber Salad
Cook's Thesaurus: Sea Vegetables
Synonyms, equivalents, and substitutions.
Cooking with Fresh Seaweed
Recipes include sea lettuce seasoning, blanc mange and salad made with Irish moss, soup stock, and bread.
Creative Healthy Cooking: Mineral-rich Cuisine
Simple recipes using kombu, hijiki, arame, wakame, and nori.
Kushi Instituite: Sea Vegetable Dishes
Arame with sweet corn, baked wakame with onions, and hiziki with fried tofu recipes.
Mitoku: Sea Vegetables Recipes
Includes preparation and recipes using hijiki, kombu, kanten, nori, and wakame.
Neptune's Garden
List of seaweed types and their uses.
Recipes for Ulva the Sea Lettuce
Nutrition, storage, and recipes for soup and toasted sea lettuce.
Recipes with Sea Vegetables
Nori tempura, sweet squash corn muffins, and vegetable cobbler.
Scrolls of Knowledge: Recipes
Collection of kelp and dulse soup and salad recipes.
Sea Vegetable Cuisine
Recommendations for introducing the vegetables and simple recipes using arame, wakame, kombu, and nori.
Sea Vegetables
List of seaweeds, noting where they grown and how they're used, and links.
The World's Healthiest Foods: Sea Vegetables
Includes selection and storing, recipes, serving ideas, and nutritional analysis.
WaveLength Paddling Magazine: Harvesting Sea Veget
Guide to harvesting in the Pacific Northwest with preparation notes.