english deutsch
Gotz Dolls
Offers pictures and information on play, collectible, and handcrafted figures including Sasha, Goetz, and Harry Potter. Provides hospital, museum, and forum. [English and Deutsch]
Sasha Doll
Information about Sasha Morgenthaler's dolls, including photographs, publications, restoration, repair, and sales. Provides knitting patterns and kits.
Sasha Doll Home Page
Enthusiast shares photographs and information on collecting Morgenthaler dolls by Goetz Company. Includes information on where to purchase, pen pals, and links.
Sasha Doll Web Ring
Offers webring information for collector or business related pages of the Morgenthaler and Goetz dolls. Includes application, links, and photographs.
Sasha Dolls
Offers sale of dolls created by early doll artist, Sasha Morgenthaler, and later produced by Goetz or Gotz. Includes history, news, and photographs.
Sasha Dolls Information
Offers information on collecting including history, books, patterns, news, festivals, and the Gotz Company. Includes photographs, and links.