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Commercial Underwater Patrol Mecha
Detailed drawings and instructions for CUWPM.
JMG Aquazone Alternates
An assortment of original designs using Aquazone theme sets.
LEGO Aquazone Set Database
Includes aquashark, hydronaut, aquanaut, aquaraider, aquazone, and stingray sets.
Lego Aquazone Set Reviews
Set information and reviews covering the Aquazone series. Archives from rec.toys.lego.
Features products, opinions, reviews, message boards, projects, models, ideas, and events, as they relate to Aquazone.
Pause Magazine: Lego Aquazone Reference Guide
Description of each aquazone theme set, including the aquanauts, aquasharks, aquaraiders, the hydronaunts, and the stingrays.
Peter Guenther: Lego Aquazone
An orbital guardian and combat sub are displayed.
Scorched Earth: Sea
Displays futuristic ship and submarine models.
Soaking Wet
An unofficial home for original aquazone creations.