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Chats and Forums
Dave's Yo-Yo Talk WebBoard, European Yo-Yo Board, The Yo.com, Yo Yo and Skill Toy Forum, Yo Yo Chat Room, Yomania YoYo Forum
Clubs and Associations
American YoYo Association, Champion Spinners Club, River City Spinners, The King's Yomen, Yodyssey
Roger's Yo-Yo Page, Yahoo Group: Area 51, Yo-Yo Collection, Yo-Yo Photos
Sector Y, World Yo-Yo Contest
AYYA Newsletter, The History of the Yo-Yo
Sales Go Up and Up, The Yo-Yo Rolls Back, Yo-Yo Sales Bounce Up, Yo-Yo's Keep Coming Back, Zoolander Report
Personal Pages
Eric Wolff, Insane Page of Yo, Professor Yo-Yo, Shade's String World, Yo-Yo Central
Adam Bottiglia, Bob Rule, Mark Hayward, Smothers Brothers: Yo-Yo Man
Shade's Reviews, TYM.de - Jumpers
Begin2Spin, Knot-Theory.com, Shawn's Yo-Yos, Tritium Bomb, Yo-Yo Tricks
Bob's Land O' Yo
Profile of Bob Bowden, information about his book and Science of Spin classes, photo gallery of primarily Canadian yo-yos, and directory of links.
Dave's Wonderful World of Yo-Yos
Includes message board, auctions, images by Ron Caswell, museum of collectibles, memorabilia, and patents [PDF], history, image downloads, and links.
Extreme Yo
Provides instructional videos of tricks, brief history, and a message board.
Ken's World on a String
Includes reviews, mods, tricks explained with illustrations and videos, and links.
National Yo-Yo Museum
Features displays, photographs, events, history, and contests. Directions and hours included. Located in Chico, California.
R.P.M the Yo-Yo Center
Includes message board, chat room, directory of clubs organized by location, and a directory of links.
Scarecrow's Yo-Yo Craft
Painting, decorating, and how to make yo-yo bags, pogs, and freehand weights.
Includes museum, personal collections, manufacturers' histories, and detailed guides to yo-yos and tops.
Strings Attached
News, videos, reviews, and tips for the advanced yo-yoer.
The Next Level
Includes videos of tricks, maintenance tips, mods, and links.
The Wooden Yo-Yo
Includes reviews, industry history and news, and links.
The Yo-Yo Tweak
Tricks and mods explained through POV images, maintenance tips, reviews, and links.
Wild Jimbo's Yo-Yoing Resource
Includes weight charts, bearing cross reference, string comparison chart, videos, painting projects, and an image gallery.
Offers tricks, tips, reviews, and a message forum.
YoYo Times
Online and print newsletter, stage name listing and registration advice, and listings of publications, clubs, and manufacturers.
Includes a glossary, FAQs, and Who's Who. Also features world and national champions information.