english deutsch
Active Learning
Active Learning - Wikipedia, Active Learning and Library Instruction, Active Learning on the Web, Active Learning Site, Active Learning: Creating Excitement in the Classr, Activist Learning Online, ALPS-Active Learning Practices for Schools, New Directions for Cooperative Education
Aesthetic Realism
Aesthetic Realism, Aesthetic Realism of Eli Siegel as Teaching Method, Miriam Mondlin
Behaviorism, Learning Theories of Instructional Design, Loy Young, Operant Conditioning and Behaviorism
Brain-Based Learning
Accelerated Learning Education, Brain Research: Implications for Second Language L, Brain-based Learning, Brains.org - Classroom Application of Brain Resear, Caine Learning, How Brain Works, How Can Research on the Brain Inform Education?, Learning to Go with the Grain of the Brain, Valiant, Etc.
Charter Schools
About Charter Schools, Challenge and Opportunity: The Impact of Charter S, Charter Friends National Network, Charter School Law, Charter Schools, Charter Schools, Charter Schools: An Approach for Rural Education?, Charter Schools: Are They Needed? Looking at Both , How Well Are Charter Schools Serving Urban and Min, National Charter School Clearinghouse (United Stat
Holistic Education, Constructivism, Constructivism in Science Education, Constructivism Links, Constructivism Mind Map, Constructivism, Workplace Learning, and Vocational, Constructivism: From Philosophy to Practice, Constructivist Learning Design Paper, Higher Level Thinking
Cooperative Education
Active Learning and Cooperative Learning, Cooperative Education - Wikipedia, Cooperative Learning Center, Cooperative Learning Elementary Activities, New Directions for Cooperative Education
Experiential Education
CAEL: Council for Adult and Experiential Learning, Changing Schools through Experiential Education, Experiential Education - Wikipedia, Experiential Learning & Experiential Education, Improving Evaluation in Experiential Education. ER, Marimed Foundation
Inquiry Based Learning
Chats and Forums, Content Resources, Courses, Curriculum Resources, Implementation, Instructional Models, Journals, Organizations, Projects, Service Learning
Learning Styles
Abiator's Online Learning Styles Inventory, Attending to Learning Styles in Mathematics and Sc, Cognitive Pattern of the Yakima Indian Students, Hispanic-American Students and Learning Style, Insight Learning Foundation, Leading Learning, Learning Styles Online, Lessons: Learning Styles and Strategies of Enginee, Oklahoma Institute of Learning Styles, Price Systems, Inc.
Organizations, Subjects, College of Modern Montessori, Introduction to Montessori Theory and Practice, Madam Montessori, Montessori and Homeschool Chat, Montessori at Home, Montessori Curriculum, Montessori Homeschooling, Montessori's Own Tale of Evolution, Montessori: In Her Own Words, Our-Montessori
Multiple Intelligences
An Explanation of Learning Styles and Multiple Int, Educating Multiple Intelligences Through Technolog, Exploring Multiple Intelligences, MITA Center, Teacher Training and Coaching - Strengths Based Pr
Outcome-Based Education
"Outcome-Based" Education: An Overview, From Theory to Practice: Classroom Application of , Outcome Based Education, Outcome-based Education (OBE): A New Paradigm for , The Nazi Model For Outcome-Based Education, Using Outcome-Based Education in the Planning and
Problem-Based Learning
Assessing the Effectiveness of Problem Based Learn, Case Studies in Science, Center for Problem-Based Learning, Center for Problem-Based Learning Research and Com, Learner-Centered Classrooms, Problem-Based Learnin, PBL Bibliography, PBL Institute for Nurse Educators, PBL2000 Conference, PROBLARC - Problem Based Learning Assessment and R, Problem Based Learning
Reggio Emilia Approach
Pre-K-3 Educators Learn from the Reggio Emilia App, Reggio Emilia Approach - Wikipedia, Reggio Emilia Resources, Reggio Emilia: Catalyst for Change and Conversatio, Selected Resources about the Reggio Emilia Approac, The Reggio Emilia Approach
Right Brain - Left Brain Thinking
Handedness and Brain Lateralization, Structure of the Brain
Situated Learning
Learning Theories: Situated Learning, New Ways of Learning in the Workplace, Situated Learning, Situated Learning - Wikipedia, Situated Learning in Adult Education
Transformative Learning
El Pueblo Integral, The Transformative Learning Centre, Transformative Learning - Wikipedia, Transformative Learning in Adulthood
Educators, Organizations, Head, Heart, Hands: A Waldorf Family Newsletter, Online Waldorf Library, OpenWaldorf.com, Peter Normann Waage Answers Allegations, School With Balance - Education Week 10/18/95, Teaching About Computers in Waldorf Schools?, Waldorf Answers, Waldorf Education - A Growing School Movement, Waldorf Education Home Schooling List, Waldorf Education List
An online source of information about the brain for educators, parents, students and teachers.
Business Thinking Meta Model
Describes the model which is composed of three thinking patterns such as proactive thinking, reactive thinking, and passive thinking.
Desuggestive Learning
Describes desuggestive learning and offer advice on how to use it.
Diversified Learning
Suite 101 topic about the many ways people learn through methods utilized in teaching gifted and talented as well as at risk students.
Dr. Thomas Armstrong
Educator and psychologist in the fields of multiple intelligences, explanation of "the myth of ADD/ADHD, and the natural genius of kids". Suggests strategies for nurishing each child's unique developmental potentials.
Education for Sustainable Development
Approach to the whole curriculum and management of a school from sustainable development theory.
Education: Public or Private Goods?
Examines theories that argue that learning in education is either a private or public good.
ERIC Digest Blog
Blog that features different ERIC Digests on educational theories and methods on a daily basis. Includes current posts and archive.
Facilitating Multi-Stakeholder Processes and Socia
Practical information on facilitating multi-stakeholder processes and social learning: concepts, methods, tools, tips, examples, literature and links for interactive decision-making in sustainable development.
How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and Sch
E-text of a 300-page 1999 National Academy of Sciences report. Recent research provides a deep understanding of complex reasoning and performance on problem-solving tasks and how skill and understanding in key subjects are acquired.
A different model of human learning changing the role of educational technology.
Resource for educators and others interested in informal education, youth work, community development and lifelong learning.
Instrumental Enrichment / Mediated Learning
Based on the work of Israeli psychologist Reuven Feuerstein who developed his theory in the late 40's through his work with children who were orphaned or separated from their parents as a result of the Holocaust.
Intentional Learning Projects
Describes projects, research and articles addressing mass customization and personalization issue (adaptive learning) for E-LEARNING (Web, WBT, and CBT).
Introduction to Motor Behavior and Control
PowerPoint Presentation.
John Dewey and Informal Education
Read about the life and works of a man considered to be the father of educational philosophy.
Learning and Teaching
Explores major and current themes in the learning and teaching process from an international and comparative perspective.
Learning and Teaching Information Technology Compu
Learn about about how some people teach information technology skills.
Manipulative Visual Language
System and theory for teaching English to deaf children.
Multiple Intelligences: Gardner's Theory
Provides full-text access to the ERIC Digest of this name which examines the theory of Howard Gardner relating to multiple intelligences and how it might relate to student learning.
Music Learning Theory
Information and explanation of how we learn and when we learn music.
Perspectives on Learning
Learning and developing learning environments based on behaviorism, cognitism, and constructivism.
Project-Based Learning
Introduces educators to project-based learning. It provides background information, exemplars, and links for teachers to use in their classroom.
Reasoning and Being Rational
Many teachers expect students to be rational, but don't explain what that means. Improve your reasoning. An essay by Rick Garlikov.
Describes a form of music education and of motion activity aimed to bridge a gap left by the traditional teaching methods.
Roof On Fire
Report of a training course on experiential learning, including methods and theory.
Details on this learning theory for teaching foreign languages.
The Epistemology and Learning Group (MIT)
Explores how new technologies can enable new ways of thinking, learning, and designing.
The Truth About Homework
The negative impacts of homework on students. Includes opinions, polls, message board, and links.
Youth Motivation Using Natural Learning Environmen
Motivating "at-risk" youth by employing natural learning environments consistent with the "learning personality" of the individual student rather than with traditional "schooling" models.