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Data Processing
AIG, AusSpec International, Center for the Study of Earth from Space, Directory of /pub/sips, ENVI, Environmental Intelligence, HyVista Corporation, MicroImages, Inc., Purdue/LARS MultiSpec, The PCI Geomatics Group
ASD: Welcome to Analytical Spectral Devices, Inc., ASTER - Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and R, CASI - Compact Airbone Spectrographic Imager, DLR's DAIS 7915 Home Page, FluxSense, Hyperspectral Sensors: Imaging Spectroscopy, Imaging Spectrometers, MODIS, Modular Optoelectronic Scanner MOS
Earth Search
Hyperspectral imaging technology by Earth Search offers a powerful economic tool for mineral exploration and environmental research.
GER Proprietary Systems
Airborne, portable, radar, and space technologies.
Integrated Spectronics Pty Ltd
Manufactures the PIMA field portable spectrometers and the HYMAP airborne hyperspectral scanners.
MacDonald Dettwiler (MDA)
Plays active role in virtually every phase of information delivery, from Earth observation satellite missions and space-borne communications to ground reception, processing and distribution systems.
Mineral Mapping Technologies Group
Developing field, air and spaceborne spectrometry for exploration.
Specializes in the development of turn-key electro-optical sensor systems covering the UV, VNIR, SWIR, MWIR, and LWIR.
Senna Consulting
Hyperspectral image processing software, including an N-FINDR end-member extraction program.
Spectral Imaging, Ltd.
Develops and produces market imaging spectrometry instrumentation for industrial machine vision and spectral analysis, airborne remote sensing and scientific applications.
Surface Optics Corporation
Firm specializing in optical characterization and exploitation of surface properties.
TerraSystems, Inc.
Earth and planetary remote sensing for environmental monitoring, land use, and resource management.