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Analysis of dendrochronological variability and natural climates in Eurasia over the last 10,000 years. Research by the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit.
Aegean Dendrochronology Project
Site discusses the use of tree rings in dating and climatic reconstruction, as part of archeological studies. From Malcolm and Carolyn Wiener Laboratory for Aegean and Near Eastern Dendrochronology, at Cornell University.
A brief primer on the subject of dating past events by looking at tree rings.
Euro Catalogue
Searchable database of European dendro-chronology, compiled by Dr Tom Levanic, Biotechnical faculty, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Information on laboratories, accessed via search or sensitive map.
International Tree Ring Laboratory
Dr. habil Martin Worbes' tree-ring research in temperate, tropical, and subtropical regions.
Laboratory for Wood Anatomy and Dendrochronology,
About the laboratory, current and past research activities, and links to other tree-ring websites, particularly in Europe.
Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Ar
Teaching and research in all aspects of dendrochronology.
Lamont-Doherty Tree Ring Lab
Scientists from the TRL are actively involved in pioneering research projects in many parts of the globe; from the high latitudes of both hemispheres to the low-latitude tropics of Asia and the Americas.
Oxford Dendrochronology Laboratory
An independent tree-ring dating laboratory concentrating primarily on the dating and analysis of standing timber structures. Projects, publications, the dated buildings register.
Rocky Mountain Tree-Ring Research, Inc.
Rocky Mountain Tree-Ring Research is a nonprofit research organization that provides expertise in tree-ring data collection and analysis.
Sheffield Dendrochronology Laboratory
Includes "What is Dendrochronology?" and information about the lab's consultancy services and continuous master tree-ring sequence for England going back to about 5000 BC.
The Ultimate Tree-Ring Web Pages
Organized collection of information and links on tree-ring research, or dendrochronology, by Henri D. Grissino-Mayer.
University of Arkansas Tree-Ring Laboratory
Research concentrates on the development of exactly-dated annual tree-ring chronologies from ancient forests worldwide.
University of Victoria Tree-Ring Laboratory
Research includes an archive of tree-ring chronologies from Vancouver Island and the Coast Mountains of British Columba.
University of Western Ontario Dendrogeomorphology
Information about people, facilities, and methods and results of research focused on the use of tree rings as dating and paleoclimatic tools in the Canadian Cordillera of Alberta and British Columbia.