english deutsch
Agroforestry Research Trust, Agroforestry.net, AridZoneReforestation.ca, Association for Temperate Agroforestry, Brazil Nut Project, ECHO - Educational Concerns for Hunger Organizatio, Forest, Farm, and Community Tree Network (FACT Net, ForestInformation.com, Forestry AgNIC: Agroforestry, Glossary for agroforestry
Community Sustainability
Brownfields Utilization, "Healthy Communities - Indicators Project&quo, 2021 Regional Planning Project - Queensland, Austr, Appalachian Sustainable Development, Books by Jane Holtz Kay, Cabo San Francisco Foundation, Center for Economic and Environmental Development, Center for Neighborhood Technology (Chicago), Chattanooga Institute, Chelsea Green's Books for Sustainable Living, Cities Environment Reports on the Internet
Global Sustainability
Personal Pages, Benking.de, Can China Feed Itself?, Center for Natural Lands Management, CorporateRegister.com, Earth Policy Institute, Ecosustainable Links - Sustainable Environment, Environment, Leadership for Environment and Development, Life Saviors -- Intensive Eco-Friendly Agriculture, NUSAP.net
Industrial Ecology
Education, Durabilis, Eco-Efficiency and Cleaner Production, ECO-it, Eco-shop, Ecocycle Newsletter, Energy and materials policy design, Factor 10, Free Life Cycle Assessment on the Internet, IndEco Strategic Consulting Inc., Indigo Publications
Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute, Bas, David Holmgren, EcoLandTech, Eugene Permaculture Guild, Four Frogs Permaculture Design, Four Frogs Permaculture Design, Green Mountain Permaculture, Instituto de Permacultura Cerrado-Pantanal, International Institute for Ecological Agriculture, Introduction to Permaculture: Concepts and Resourc
Sustainable Living
Earthship Biotecture, EcoLiving Center, Ekotecture, Green Building Primer by B.E.S.T., Heartwood Alberta Straw Bale Home, Home Ecology, Home*A*Syst:, Hunt Utilities Group, LLC, Institute for Sustainable Futures, Low-Impact Living Initiative
5th World Network for Sustainable Development
Networking and education for individuals and communities interested in sustainable development, permaculture design, and bioregional resource protection.
Albemarle Environmental Exchange
A site for promoting environmental protection and sustainable development. Contains news, ideas, articles, resources and links.
Best Practices in Sustainable Development
Searchable database cataloging over 650 good and best practices from more than 90 countries on how people, their communities, the public and private sectors have been able to tackle critical social, economic and environmental problems.
Center for Watershed and Community Health
The Center assists communities, business and government to enhance the economy and environment by developing strategies to decouple economic growth, job creation and community development from environmental impacts.
Center of Excellence for Sustainable Development
Supported by the U.S. Department of Energy. Site resources and links are related to community sustainable and sustainable living.
Community Action Network
Works towards sustainable social, health, educational, and economic outcomes through engaging the community in a planning and implementation process that coordinates public, private, and individual actions and resources. Includes issue information, legislative agenda, reports, and calendar of events.
Context Institute
Explores how human society can become sustainable, and serves as a catalyst for voluntary change toward a more humane and sustainable culture.
Homepage of Prof. David Bainbridge. Information and articles about agroforestry, sustainable building, and environmental restoration. Also, technical consulting services. List of natural fibers. Technology and materials descriptions.
Environment Canada Sustainable Community Indicator
About the use of the environmental indicators approach in Canada -- includes data on indicators which represent or summarize a significant aspect of the state of the environment, natural resource sustainability and related human activities.
Environment Canada: Sustainable Development
Portal to information on balancing economic, environmental, social, cultural, health and political needs in the management of natural resources to maintain quality of life and ensure viability in the future.
European Partners for the Environment (EPE)
Network of European organizations, companies, trade unions and related groups working on sustainable development. Site has extensive resources on links on sustainability at all scales. Special topics include green purchasing, sustainable tourism, and Europe-specific environmental sourcebooks.
Favorite Destinations of Liberty Graphics
Links to online resources for sustainable agriculture, ecology, wildlife, organic farming, and other environmentally concerned companies.
Forum on Science and Technology for Sustainability
Facilitates information exchange including key documents, events, web sites, ideas, and discussions within the emerging field of sustainability science.
Global Environment and Technology Foundation
Information resources promoting the development and use of innovative technology to achieve sustainable development.
Global System for Sustainable Development
A project of the Global Accords Consortium for Sustainable Development housed at MIT. GSSD consists of an index to some of the best resources and materials on sustainability on the Internet.
GPI Atlantic - Genuine Progress Index for Atlantic
Non-profit research group developing an index for measuring sustainable development for Nova Scotia, integrating social, economic, and environmental variables.
Green Alliance
An UK organisation that aims to promote sustainable development by ensuring that the environment is at the heart of decision-making.
Greening Australia
Diverse information about sustainable agriculture, native ecosystems, and issues. Site offers different territory specific sections.
International Institute for Sustainable Development. Focus is on sustainability at the global, regional, and community scales.
Institute for Local Self Reliance (ILSR)
The ILSR is a nonprofit research and educational organization that provides technical assistance and information on environmentally sound economic development strategies.
Institute for Social, Economic and Ecological Sust
Center for interdisciplinary study of sustainability issues at the University of Minnesota, including: biosafety, organic aquaculture, population and risk assessment of transgenic organisms.
Izaak Walton League Sustainability Education Proje
The Sustainability Education Project was formed to help bring human population growth, economic development and natural resource consumption into balance with the limits of nature for the benefit of current and future generations.
Lightstone Foundation and Community Development Co
A regional center for sustainable family farming, natural resource management, and rural community-based development, enhancing the social, economic, and environmental vitality of West Virginia and Virginia rural mountain communities by supporting sustainable enterprises.
Living Room - A Place for All of Us
Web magazine and forum dedicated to discussions of sustainable living practices in human communities, with emphases on transportation, urban design, environmental and economic justice, community, and energy efficiency. Topics include Bike People, Suburbia Project, and Sustainability.
Looking for Oregon's Future: What is Sustaina
An exploration of the definitions, issues, and efforts related to sustainability, both in Oregon and other places.
Novatlantis: ETH
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH Zurich initiatives for sustainability, energy, ecology and economy. Includes information about current projects and upcoming events. English/French/German.
Pee Dee Resource Conservation and Development Cent
Purpose is to promote conservation and sustainable rural development. Includes archived newsletters council members, events calendar, historic markers, and educational articles. Located in South Carolina.
Redefining Progress
Nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that develops policies and tools that shift the economy and public policy towards sustainability. Includes how to help, news, and a list of projects and programs.
Regional Information Service Centre for Southeast
Resource on appropriate technologies in the fields of sustainable agriculture, waste management, textiles and renewable energy, primarily in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam and Yunnan province in China.
by Jay Hanson. Essay on sustainability.
Second Nature: Education for Sustainability
Nonprofit organization working to help colleges and universities expand their efforts to make environmentally sustainable and just action a foundation of learning and practice. Organization information and resources for promoting sustainability.
Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
Independent, international research institute specialising in sustainable development and environment issues at local, national, regional and global policy levels. Aims to clarify the requirements, strategies and policies for a transition to sustainability. These goals are linked to the principles advocated in Agenda 21 and the Conventions such as Climate Change, Ozone Layer Protection and Biological Diversity.
Sustain Magazine
Website about sustainable development in the construction, engineering, planning and property sectors. Searchable listings of sustainability events, searchable index, and sample articles. Focus is on the UK.
Sustainability in Canada
National government site in Canada on sustainability: Facts and opinions.
Sustainability Institute
A "think-do tank" dedicated to sustainable resource use, economics, and community. Providing information, analysis, and practical demonstrations that can foster transitions to sustainable systems at all levels of society, from local to global. Limited information on website.
Sustainability Web Ring
The webring focuses on the efforts of organizations to achieve sustainable development.
Sustainable Architecture Building and Culture
A unique compendium of links for those interested in sustainable design and building. A good start, when moving toward making life easier on the earth.
Sustainable Development Department
of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), providing multilateral financial assistance for Latin America and the Caribbean. Provides technical advice to Bank project teams, and creates and disseminates knowledge on sustainable development issues with three divisions: Social Development; Environment and Natural Resources; and Infrastructure and Financial Markets.
Sustainable Enterprises
Ideas and solutions for sustainable living, businesses and communities.
Sustainable Systems
New Zealand organization offering workshops, consultancy, and other education, training and support, to further the particular goals of a business or organization while advancing a sustainable environment.
The E.F Schumacher Society and Library
Organization promoting social and environmental sustainability through decentralism. Information on philosophies, projects and lectures; community-oriented economies, local currencies, community land trusts, and similar measures.
The Knossus Project
US based research and development firm that promotes integrated sustainable systems.
Tools of Change: Proven Methods for Promoting Heal
Case studies, planning guides and worksheets for programs to promote healthier and/or more environmentally sustainable actions and habits.
Towards Sustainability
UK site with links and resources for sustainable development initiatives.
WWW Encyclopedia of Sustainable Development
Sustainability information for use at all levels, from that of senior decision makers at the national and international levels to the grass-roots and individual levels.
WWW Virtual Library: Sustainable Development
Comprehensive list of internet sites dealing with sustainable development, including organisations, projects and activities, electronic journals, libraries, references and documents, databases.
Your Planet Earth
Objective is to help create a sustainable society. Has news, discussion forums, publishes articles from its user group.