english deutsch
0 - Zero
A Rigorous Treatment of Division by Zero, The Digit Zero, Zero, Zero in Four Dimensions
e the EXPONENTIAL - the Magic Number of GROWTH, esquared, Exponential and Logarithmic functions, Exponential Review, Hunting e, Some History Surrounding e, The Base for Natural Logarithms, The Beauty of e, The Constant e, The Euler's Number Home Page
Fibonacci Numbers
10th International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers, Amof:Info on Fibonacci Sequences, Animation of Binet's formula for Reals, Biography of Leonardo Fibonacci, Extensions of the golden section and Fibonacci ser, Fibonacci and Lucas Factorizations, Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers, Fibonacci Facts, Fibonacci Number-Theorists, Fibonacci Numbers
Counting to Infinity, Hector Parr's Essays: Infinity, Hotel Infinity, Infinity, Mathnet : Does "Infinity" Exist?, The Infinity
222 Divine, 37 Heaven, 666, About Big Numbers, All Numbers Are Interesting, Bob's Positive Integer Pages, Count the Number of the Beast: 666, Curious properties of 153, Digits, Four
10,000 Digits, 20,000 Digits, A brief introduction to Golden Ratio, American Phi, Ask Dr. Math, Ask Yahoo, Colin and Greg's Golden Ratio Page, Division in Mean and Extreme Ratio, Golden Number, Golden Rectangle
Digits, Poetry, Programs, A Common Book of Pi, A New Approach to the Universal Constant "pi&, A Slice Of Pi, A Tribute to Pi, Ancient Pi: Knowers of the Universe, Archimedes and the Computation of Pi, Archimedes' Approximation of Pi, Archimedes' Constant, Ask Dr. Math - Pi, Ask Dr. Math: About Pi
37 Heaven
Collects information around the number thirty-seven.
Absolutely Abnormal Numbers
Published as math.NT/0006089, this note investigates numbers that are normal to no base whatsoever, and writes down explicitly such a number.
Apéry's Constant
Describes the definition of the constant and some interpretations as well as a list of references to further work about the constant.
Arabic numerals
Describes the history of the arabic numeral system that is in use nearly all over the world today.
Ask Dr. Math: History of the Terms Google and Goog
Explains how these very large numbers (1 followed by a hundred zeroes, and 1 followed by a google of zeroes, respectively) were named. With links to references. From Swarthmore's Dr. Math.
Brun's Constant
Description of the constant, some related work and links to some further reading.
Catalan Number -- MathWorld
Illustration of the Catalan numbers related to Euler's polygon division problem.
Catalan's Constant - G
Describes the mathematics behind the constant.
Euler-Mascheroni Constant - g
Describes the mathematics behind this constant.
FAQ on Special Numbers
Answers to Frequently asked questions about special numbers.
Favorite Mathematical Constants
An in-depth explanation of the most important math constants.
Feigenbaum Constants
Describes the constants and their mathematical basis.
Fibonacci Numbers and The Golden Ratio Link Web Pa
A long list of links to pages about Fibonacci and his numbers, the golden ratio and applications in art and science.
Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden section in Nature
Puzzles and things to do, for schools, teachers, colleges up to university level students, or just for recreation.
Friedmann's S-Numbers
These are numbers where an expression can be given using the operations of addition and squaring, using the digits of a number in order, which gives the original number. Algorithms, theorems and results.
Fun With Numbers
Includes some lists of numerals, relating to basic operations performed on certain constants. Not updated since 1995.
Harry J. Smith's Fun With Mathematics
Fun math stuff, including computing pi, perfect numbers, Fibonacci numbers, the tesseract, a look into 4-dimensional space.
Heilbronn Triangle Constants
Heilbronn Triangle Constants
Indian numerals
Describes the history of the indian numeral system.
Inverse Symbolic Calculator
A set of programs and specialized tables of mathematical constants dedicated to the identification of real numbers.
Jewish Encyclopedia: Numbers and Numerals
Discusses the uses and symbolism of various numbers in Hebrew literature.
In praise of the beauty of the numbers pi, e and phi.
Mathematical Constants and Computation
Essays, references, links, software.
Notable Properties of Specific Numbers
A list of numbers with interesting properties.
Number Gossip
Numerous special categories of numbers, searchable.
Pi Squared over Six
Dedicated to the transcendental number pi squared over six.
RJN's More Digits of Irrational Numbers
Several million digits of e, and the square roots of 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10.
Square root of 2
Provides information about the square root of 2, lists the first 1000 digits and provides links to pages with up to 5 million digits. Also contains download links for programming libraries for calculating numbers with high precision or many digits.
Stewy's Site
The infinitesimal is the opposite of infinity, and mathematicians still argue over its existence. This page probes into one of the weirdest numbers in mathematics.
Sum Beastliness
Some simple mathematics associated with 666, the Number of the Beast.
The Golden Pentagon
MathPages depiction of tiling a plane using a progression of equilateral triangles dividing a pentagon. Most interesting is that this pentagon is uniquely and recursively divided by triangles, just as is seen in the more common recursive division of the Golden Rectangle.
Triangular Numbers
Properties of triangular numbers including reversible, happy, harshad, highly composite, deficient, abundant ones.
Vampire Numbers
Numbers with a factorization containing the same digits, e.g. 1530 = 30*51.
Dedicated to the natural order of the universe and to the irrational and logical chaos it presents.
Wikipedia - Mathematical constant
A list of constants with links to more detailed information.
World of Numbers
Contains a collection of randomly gathered numbers, curios, puzzles, palindromes and primes.