english deutsch
Dynamic Semantics
Dynamic Semantics with Choice Functions, Propositional Dynamic Logic, Structural Linguistics and Formal Semantics, Topic Focus and the Logic of Language
Generative Semantics
A Talk with George Lakoff
Lexical Semantics
Contextually-Dependent Lexical Semantics, Lexical Semantics and Linking and the Hierarchical, Lexical Semantics of Language Design for Machine T
Analogy, Metaphor, and Integration, Barnden, John - ATT-Meta Project, Conceptual Metaphor Home Page, Cyberspace is a Parallel World, a Metaphor Analysi, Forceville, Charles, From Icon to Metaphor, Goodman's Theory of Metaphor, Hamburg Metaphor Database, Hypotheses Revisited: The Cognitive Theory of Meta, Metaphor and Symbol
References for Questions Seminar, The Hows of Why and the Why's of How
Semantics and Pragmatics
Default Semantics, Pragmatics, and Intentions, On the Semantics and Pragmatics of Information Pac, Review of `The Semantics/Pragmatics Interface&apos, The Semantics-Pragmatics Distinction
Situation Semantics
Analysis of Speech Acts in Situation Semantics, Burghard B. Rieger: Situations, Language Games, an, Computational Situation Theory, Events and Processes in Situation Semantics, Situation Semantics and Computational Linguistics, Situations and Computation, Situations, Topoi, and Dispositions
A Semantics for Durative Adverbials
Article by Cristopher Piñón.
Approaching Natural Language Via Mediaeval Logic
Article by Gyula Klima.
Comparison of inflection and derivation
Compares and contrasts the similarities and differences between inflection and derivation.
Concepts in the Lexicon
Report by John F. Sowa, discussing the role of the lexicon in conceptual knowledge.
Dallas-Fort Worth Center for General Semantics
Provides educational materials and resources for promoting mental health and adjustment through self-aware use of language and symbols.
Gesellschaft fuer Semantik
English homepage of the young academic organisation concered with the semantics of natural languages. Organises the Sinn und Bedeutung workshop and the SEMANTIK mailing list.
Layers in the Determiner Phrase
PhD thesis by Roberto Zamparelli, with extensive supporting material and a facility to send online feedback. Investigates semantic parallels to syntactic arguments for Szabolcsi and Abney's `DP-hypothesis'.
Logical Form in Linguistics
Entry in the MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Sciences, by Robert May.
download linguistic papers about semantics, textlinguistics, hypertext, paradoxes, metaphors, urls, search engines
Pichler24: buzzwords and other things
This page is mainly dedicated to the so called buzzwords. It allows the reader to investigate, ask questions, and discuss their meaning.
Research Group Communicative Understanding
Explains pragmatic implication based on Grice's theory of implicit communication and presupposition.
Review of `From Discourse to Logic'
Review by Varol Akman of the book by Hans Kamp and Uwe Reyle.
Review of `Linguistic Semantics: An Introduction&a
Published review by Jarol Akman of John Lyon's book.
Semantics - meanings, etymology and the lexicon
This web page is intended for students who are following GCE Advanced level (AS and A2)syllabuses in English Language. This resource may also be of general interest to language students on university degree courses, trainee teachers and anyone with a general interest in language science.
Semantics Archive
Scholarly research paper exchange for language semanticists. Browseable by author or date; submission and update forms, users guide.
SEMANTIK mailing list
Majordomo based mailing list for semantics organised by the Gesellschaft fuer Semantik.
The Formal Approach to Meaning
Short survey of semantics of natural language by Barbara Abbott, at University of Michigan. Focusses upon Montague semantics, and tries to give a feel for the main open problems in the field.
The Four Basic Ontologies of Semantic Interpretati
Article by Roland Hausser comparing approaches to semantics between linguistics, philosophy and computer science, and classifying them into four kinds depending upon whether or not they are realist, and whether or not they make a sense/reference distinction.