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Early Empires
Ghana, Mali, Songhay, African Empires, Axum, Christians in Ethiopia, Great Zimbabwe, Great Zimbabwe, Ife, Songhay, The Mwenemutapa (Great Zimbabwe), The Swahili Kingdoms, The World of the Mande
Homesick Africans, Rhodesian Embassy - Tokyo, Rhodesian Videos Project, Rhodesiana, Rhodie Memories, RhoNet, Team-Zimbabwe
African Slave Trade and European Imperialism, East African Slaves in Qajar Persia, Race and Slavery in the Middle East, Remarks on the Colonization of the Western Coast o, The Capture of a Slaver, The Story of the Slave Trade
A Propensity for Sitting on Stones: A Dialog on Sh, British Intelligence Operations in Mozambique in A, Military History Journal, Native Life in South Africa, South Africa: The Peasants Revolt, The African Wars by Julius Caesar, The Reconquest of Africa
Africa - South of the Sahara
Resources for African history from the Africa pages at Stanford University.
Africa Since 1945
Collection of links from the Internet Modern History Sourcebook, emphasis on southern Africa.
Africa South of the Sahara
Chronology of African history.
Africa's Science and Indigenous Knowledge Sy
Perspectives on Africa's indigenous knowledge systems, with extracts from scholarly works in different disciplines.
Africa: History Links
African Studies Center links page, University of Pennsylvania.
Africa: The Cradle of Civilization
An interactive educational site that explores Africa's history from the dawn of mankind to modern day.
African History
Articles covering the range of African history.
Brief History of Africa
An overview of the major periods of African history, including early history, Africa to the 1400s, the arrival of the Europeans, colonial times, and modern Africa.
Building Bridges to Afrocentrism: A letter to my E
Three-part article by Ann Macy Roth exploring ethnographical issues in African history.
Civilizations in Africa
Culture and history resource text learning module.
De West-Indische Compagnie in West Afrika
Introduction to a three-volume history of the Dutch West-Indische Compagnie (WIC) on the Gold Coast of tropical West-Africa. (1698-1728). English text despite dutch title pages.
EAWC Chronology: Early Islam
Timeline of early Islamic history.
Exploring Africa
An exhibit of maps and travel narratives from Leo Africanus to Chinua Achebe.
H-Africa: African History and Culture
H-Net discussion group dedicated to the history and culture of Africa. Features subject overview, thesis abstracts, reviews, bibliographies, essays, links to related resources, and subscription information.
Historical Maps of Africa
Maps dated from 1808 to 1978 from the Perry-Casteñeda Library at the University of Texas at Austin.
History and Cultural Profiles
An introduction to African history and culture by Kenyan scholar Malaika Mutere. From the African Odyssey Interactive project of the Kennedy Center.
Internet African History Sourcebook
Annotated link list (Fordham University).
Jewish Roots in Africa
Brief essay by George E. Lichtblau on the history of Jews throughout the African continent.
Leo Africanus: Description of Timbuktu
Excerpt from 1526 book "The Description of Africa," at Washington State University history site.
Life of James Albert Ukawsaw Gronniosaw, an Afric
Full text of 1774 autobiographical document of Gronniosaw, of the city of Barnou.
People's History in South Africa
Article from The Radical Historians Newsletter examining the search for ethnic histories in South Africa.
Selections from the Rex B. Grey Collection
Exhibit from the Cushing Memorial Library featuring books chosen for their importance as reflections of European attitudes toward Africa before colonialism was fully entrenched.
The Afrocentric Debate Resource Page
Provides resources for those interested in the African-centered historical approach and the "Black Athena" debate.
The Baobab Project
Harvard University project to make African visual culture available to a larger audience.
The Black Man's Burden: The White Man in Afri
E. D. Morel's 1920 study of the devastating impact of European interventions and colonialism in Africa, from the slave trade beginning in the 15th century through the partition of Africa leading up to World War I.
The Economic History of Colonial Africa: Selected
A bibliography of selected histories of African culture and civilization.
The Infography about Africa -- European Imperialis
Books and articles recommended by a professor who specializes in research about the colonization of Africa.
The Saharan Trade: A Link Between Europe and Afric
Historical examination of Saharan trade routes.
The Story of Africa
An introduction to African history from an African perspective, with illustrations and sound recordings. Produced by the BBC World Service.
Trans-Saharan Trade
Trans-Saharan trade and the West African discovery of the Mediterranean world, a paper from the Third Nordic Conference on Middle Eastern Studies.