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Charlotte Firefighters' Emerald Society, Emerald Society Firefighters of Washington, Nassau County Firefighter's Emerald Society, New Haven County Firefighters Emerald Society
Emerald Guild Society
New York City, New York. Association of Irish and Irish-American building managers, resident managers and superintendants located in the greater New York City area.
Emerald Society Green Pages
Directory of Emerald Societies in the U.S. and Canada, and how to contact them.
Emerald Society of Housing Employees
New York City, New York. Emerald Society of NYC Housing Authoirty Employees an Irish American fraternal organization.
Emerald Society, New York City Transit
New York City. For transit employees (non-police) who can trace all or part of their ancestry to Ireland. Our purpose, Irish trivia, Irish links.
Grand Council of United Emerald Socieities
Made up of Irish-American organizations, Emerald Socieities from various agencies and locations across the United States.
New York City Board of Education Emerald Society
New York. Photos, links, message board, news.