english deutsch
Pi Kappa Phi - Illinois, University of - Upsilon A, Pi Kappa Phi - North Carolina at Greensboro, Unive, Pi Kappa Phi - North Dakota, University of - Zeta , Pi Kappa Phi - San Francisco State University - Et, Pi Kappa Phi - San Francisco, University of - Eta , Pi Kappa Phi - SUNY Brockport - Eta Lambda Alumni , Pi Kappa Phi - Troy State University - Gamma Gamma, Pi Kappa Phi - Villanova University - Epsilon Omic, Pi Kappa Phi - West Virginia University - Alpha Rh
Closed Chapters
Pi Kappa Phi - Florida Southern University - Beta , Pi Kappa Phi - University of Oregon - Alpha Omega
Nu Phi Dot Net
Online Pi Kappa Phi community. Contains forums, chatroom, links, member education information, download center, calendar, website building refrerences and history.
Pi Kappa Phi - Averett University - Zeta Xi Cha
Located in Danville, VA. Contains pictures, rush information, brothers listing, upcoming events, message board, links and files to download.
Pi Kappa Phi - Alabama, University of - Omicron Ch
Located in Tuscaloosa, AL. Contains many links for regional activities and university-related websites, news and information about the fraternity chapter and contact and recruitment information.
Pi Kappa Phi - Appalachian State University - Delt
Located in Boone, NC. Contains announcements, history, links, brothers section, vision statement, contact information, pictures and a guestbook.
Pi Kappa Phi - Auburn University - Alpha Iota Chap
Located in Auburn, Al. Contains directions to the chapter house.
Pi Kappa Phi - Bowling Green - Delta Sigma Chapter
Located in Bowling Green, OH. Contains national history, chapter history, links, a forum, pictures, recruitment information, Push America information, Alumni information, Associate information, news, and the Student Creed. [Requires Flash]
Pi Kappa Phi - California at Los Angeles, Universi
Located in Los Angeles, CA. Contains photos, rush information, alumni and brother rosters, message boards, F.A.Q section and news.
Pi Kappa Phi - California State University Fullert
Located in Fullerton, CA. Contains information about alumni, upcoming events, rush, members. The site also contains pictures and a brief history of the chapter.
Pi Kappa Phi - California State University Northri
Located in Northridge, CA. Contains history, rush information, pictures, active & alumni information, officers information, guestbook and a FAQ.
Pi Kappa Phi - Central Florida, University of - Et
Located in Orlando, Fl. Contains rush information, visitor information and brother, associate and alumni rosters.
Pi Kappa Phi - Christopher Newport University - Et
Located in Newport News, VA. Contains news, events, pictures, rush information, athletics, brothers.
Pi Kappa Phi - Clemson University - Zeta Alpha Cha
Located in Clemson, SC. Contains information about the brothers, the chapter, recruitment, and upcoming events. Also contains pictures, an alumni section and a guestbook.
Pi Kappa Phi - Coastal Carolina University - Eta P
Located in Conway, SC. Contains news updates, brother information, chapter history, pictures and links.
Pi Kappa Phi - College of Charleston - Alpha Chapt
Located in Charleston, South Carolina. Contains pledge information, activities, PUSH, membership list, pictures, alumni information and history.
Pi Kappa Phi - Colorado at Bolder, University of -
Located in Boulder, CO. Contains brother information, rush information, awards and pictures.
Pi Kappa Phi - Duke University - Mu Chapter
Located in Durham, NC. Contains information about the chapter, history, recent news, photographs, links and brother and alumni information.
Pi Kappa Phi - Elon University - Epsilon Alpha Cha
Located in Elon, NC. Contains brother information, Push information, calendar, recruitment, guestbook, snapshots, alumni information, history, news and contact information.
Pi Kappa Phi - Florida International University -
Brothers, rush information, events and basic information.
Pi Kappa Phi - Florida, University of - Alpha Epsi
Located in Gainesville, FL. Contains pictures, rush events, calendar, and chapter history.
Pi Kappa Phi - George Mason University - Zeta Epsi
Located in Fairfax, Virginia. Contains members information, rush, history, Push, events, pictures, alumni, links and members only section.
Pi Kappa Phi - George Washington University (GWU)
Located in Washington D.C. Contains calendar, member section and rush information.
Pi Kappa Phi - Georgia Institute of Technology - I
Located in Atlanta, GA. Contains brothers and alumni information, guestbook, news and events.
Pi Kappa Phi - Georgia Southwestern State Universi
Located in Americus, GA. Contains rush information, whats new section, calendar, chapter news, general information, pictures, contacts, brothers directory, philanthropy, sports, alumni news, house tour, guestbook and links.
Pi Kappa Phi - Georgia State University - Beta Kap
Located in Atlanta, GA. Rush information, brothers, photos, officers, links.
Pi Kappa Phi - Georgia, University of - Lambda Cha
Located in Athens, GA. Site contains newsletters, officer information, links, alumni roster and author information.
Pi Kappa Phi - Houston, University of - Beta Nu Ch
Located in Houston, TX. Contains news, brother information, rush information, intramurals, events, alumni information, pictures, contact information and links.
Pi Kappa Phi - Illinois Institute of Technology -
Located in Chicago, IL. Contains news, important dates, message board, Alpha Philes newsletter, meal information, event pictures, executive council, actives & associates, an alumni database, the brother of the week, links and contact information.
Pi Kappa Phi - Indiana University - Alpha Psi Chap
Located in Bloomington, IN. Contains recruitment information, member information, photo albulm, links and contact information.
Pi Kappa Phi - Jacksonville State - Delta Epsilon
Located in Jacksonville, AL. Contains guestbook, recruitment information, member information, Push America information, photos and chat room. [Requires Flash for introduction]
Pi Kappa Phi - Kansas State University - Delta Chi
Located in Manhattan, KS. Contains alumni information, active brother information, CLASS, events, facts, history, house tour, links, pictures, Push America information, recruitment information and a members only section.
Pi Kappa Phi - Kennesaw State University - Eta Del
Located in Kennesaw, GA. Contains newsletters, chat room, message board, brothers only section, alumni and active information, links, rush information.
Pi Kappa Phi - Kentucky, University of - Eta Tau C
Located in Lexington, KY. Contains brother, alumni, rush and Push America information and a calendar and links.
Pi Kappa Phi - Lander University - Gamma Rho Chapt
Located in Greenwood, SC. Contains chapter history, national history, alumni news, Push America information, recruitment information, associate member & active Brother, executive council, and image gallery.
Pi Kappa Phi - Lenoir-Rhyne College - Epsilon Rho
Located in Hickory, NC. Contains news, brother profiles, chapter history, chapter pictures and links.
Pi Kappa Phi - Marshall University - Zeta Pi Chapt
Located in Huntington, WV. Contains alumni association information.
Pi Kappa Phi - Maryland Baltimore County, Universi
Located in Baltimore, MD. Contains information about the chapter, rush, contacts, news, academics, intramurals, members and Push America as well as photos, a calendar, bulletin board and history.
Pi Kappa Phi - Maryland, University of - Eta Epsil
Located in College Park, MD.
Pi Kappa Phi - Mercer University - Alpha Alpha Cha
Located in Macon, Georgia. Contains brotherhood information, guestbook, chapter news, chapter history, membership list, chapter e-mail, photo album, recruitment information, Push America information and links.
Pi Kappa Phi - Miami University - Eta Upsilon Chap
Located in Miami, OH. Contains member information, forum, alexcam, events, links, history, news, recruitment information and pictures.
Pi Kappa Phi - Michigan State University - Alpha T
Located in East Lansign, Michigan. Contains recruitment and contact information.
Pi Kappa Phi - Michigan, University of - Alpha Kap
Located in Ann Arbor, MI. Contains news, calendar, contact information, links and pictures.
Pi Kappa Phi - Missouri at Rolla, University of -
Located in Rolla, MO. Contains contact information, bylaws, announcements and news, house tour, forums, brothers list, Push America information and a site map.
Pi Kappa Phi - New Jersey Institute of Technology
Located in Newark, NJ. Contains history, pictures, links and brother information.
Pi Kappa Phi - North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Univ
Located in Chapel Hill, NC. Site contains contact information, current news, links, rush information, student creed, time capsule, photos and philanthropy information.
Pi Kappa Phi - North Carolina at Greensboro, Unive
Located in Greensboro, NC. Contains facts, news, calendar, recruitment information and alumni information.
Pi Kappa Phi - North Carolina at Wilmington, Unive
Located in Wilmington, NC. Contains chapter and national history, alumni, undergraduate, Push America, and recruitment information.
Pi Kappa Phi - North Carolina State University - T
Located in Raleigh, NC. Contains chapter news and information, pictures, calendar, alumni section and brothers list.
Pi Kappa Phi - North Dakota, University of - Zeta
Located in Grand Forks, ND. Contains chapter and national history, brother pages for all initiates, links, housing corporation information, news, photos, quotes, glossary, extensive member education section, house tour, family trees and contact information.
Pi Kappa Phi - North Florida, University of - Zeta
Located in Jacksonville, FL. Contains news, brother information, recruitment information, pictures, Push America information, sports, history, parties, alumni information and guestbook.
Pi Kappa Phi - North Georgia College and State Uni
Located in Dahlonega, GA. Contains list of brothers, pictures, composites, calendar and newsletters.
Pi Kappa Phi - Oklahoma, University of - Alpha Gam
Located in Norman, OK. Contains members, associate, alumni and rush information.
Pi Kappa Phi - Pennsylvania State University - Alp
Located in State College, PA. Contains a brothers section. [Requires Flash for introduction]
Pi Kappa Phi - Pennsylvania, University of - Eta
Located in Philadelphia, PA. Contains information, directories, history, photos, recruitment information and alumni information.
Pi Kappa Phi - Purdue University - Omega Chapter
Located in West Lafayette, IN. Contains news, rush information, alumni list and update section, philanthropy, pictures, links, 80th anniversary, contact information and downloads.
Pi Kappa Phi - Rensselaer Polytechnic Instituite -
Located in Troy, NY. Contains house tour, roster, alumni information, officers & associate information and a guestbook.
Pi Kappa Phi - Richard Stockton College - Zeta Kap
Located in . Contains rush information, links, Push America information, photographs, officers, active brothers list, alumni list and a brothers only section.
Pi Kappa Phi - Saint Joseph's University - Ep
Located in Philadelphia, PA. Contains chapter information, brother and alumni information, brothers emails, rush information, pictures, downloads and links.
Pi Kappa Phi - Samford University - Alpha Eta Chap
Located in Birmingham, AL. Contains leadership and committees lists, history, brother information, intramurals, social, rush, information, Push America information, Push America Card and a calendar.
Pi Kappa Phi - San Francisco State University - Et
Located in San Francisco, CA. Contains information for alumni, undergraduate members, and parents as well as a picture gallery, links, meeting minutes, history and contact information.
Pi Kappa Phi - Seton Hall University - Epsilon The
Located in South Orange, NJ. Contains alumni information, photographs, brother roster, links, and links to other chapters.
Pi Kappa Phi - Slippery Rock University of Pennsyl
Located in Slippery Rock, PA. Contains news, rush information, and officer/advisor contact information.
Pi Kappa Phi - South Alabama, University of - Gamm
Located in Mobile, AL. Contains history, profiles, contact information, events and links.
Pi Kappa Phi - Southern California, University of
Located in Los Angeles, CA. Contains membership information, alumni news and photos, calendar, chapter news and information, recruitment information. HTML and Flash versions available.
Pi Kappa Phi - Southern Mississippi, University of
Located in Hattiesburg, MS. Contains brother information, links, Push America information, events listing, Alumni information, pictures and recruitment information.
Pi Kappa Phi - Southwest Texas State University -
Located in San Marcos, TX. Contains history, pictures and brother information.
Pi Kappa Phi - St John's University - Alpha X
Contains roster, alumni roster, alumni news letter, intramurals, awards, upcoming events, facts and a message board.
Pi Kappa Phi - Stetson University - Chi Chapter
Located in Deland, FL. Contains brother roster, alumni roster, links, photos, news, pledge information and family trees.
Pi Kappa Phi - SUNY Brockport - Eta Lambda Chapter
Located in Brockport, NY. Contains rush information, chapter history, alumni news, an associate area and a brothers area.
Pi Kappa Phi - SUNY Cortland - Zeta Omicron Chapte
Located in Cortland, NY. Site contains alumni information, chapter information and information about the chapter house.
Pi Kappa Phi - Tampa, University of - Beta Lambda
Located in Tampa, Florida. Contains information about brothers, pictures, chapter information, calendar and links.
Pi Kappa Phi - Tennessee, University of - Alpha Si
Located in Knoxville, TN. Contains a brothers listing, plege information, alumni section, pictures, Push America information, history, facts, athletics, calendar, links and a forum.
Pi Kappa Phi - Texas A&M University - Delta Om
Located in College Station, TX. Contains member rosters, recruitment information, intramural information, alumni information, pictures, calendar and Push America information.
Pi Kappa Phi - Texas at Arlington, University of -
Located in Arlington, TX. Contains alumni information, calendar, roster, officer listings, bylaws, student creed, our motto, founders, history, recruitment information, pictures, and links.
Pi Kappa Phi - Texas Christian University - Eta Ch
Located in Fort Worth, TX. Contains member information, events, alumni, philanthropy information, rush information and history.
Pi Kappa Phi - Troy State University - Gamma Gamma
Located in Troy, Alabama. Chapter news, directory, photographs, trivia, and event information.
Pi Kappa Phi - Truman State University - Delta Del
Located in Kirksville, MO. Contains rush information, alumni information, chapter news and chapter history.
Pi Kappa Phi - Valdosta State University - Beta Ta
Located in Valdosta, GA. The site contains an active message board, chapter news, event updates, officer and alumni information, and photos.
Pi Kappa Phi - Virginia at Wise, University of - E
Located in Wise, Virginia. Contains recruitment information, history, Push America information, alumni, pledge and active brother information, links, contact information and pictures.
Pi Kappa Phi - Virginia Polytechnic and State Univ
Located in Blacksburg, VA. Contains information for brothers and alumni, calendar, member directory and contact information.
Pi Kappa Phi - Washington, University of - Alpha D
Located in Seattle, Washington. Contains house information, Brothers, rush information, push information, photos, alumni information, Brett Jensen memorial page and contact information.
Pi Kappa Phi - West Alabama, University of - Gamma
Located in Livingston, AL. Contains pictures, alumni contacts, history, FAQ, and information about alumni, brothers, rush and the house.
Pi Kappa Phi - West Virginia University - Alpha Rh
Located in Morgantown, West Virginia. Contains brother and associate information, prospective information and a multimedia section.
Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity - Official Site
National social fraternity founded at the College of Charleston on December 10, 1904.
Push America
The national outreach project of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, serving the disabled throughout the United States