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Mind-Body, Consciousness, Quantum Computing
Books by Douglas Hofstadter, Conscious Events as Orchestrated Space-Time Select, Consilience - The Unity of Knowledge, Exit epiphenomenalism: the demolition of a refuge, EXO- and ENDO- theories od matter, Facing Up to the Problem of Consciousness, Is Quantum Mechanics Relevant to Understanding Con, Issues in Consciousness - a conference, Karl Jasper Forum, Mind, Matter and Quantum Mechanics
Physics in Popular Culture
Book Review: Maya, Comments on Bohm's philosophy, Dialectical Journal, Diary of TGD creation, In art and poetry, time may have at least two dime, infinology, Intercepted Transmission (by Mark Thornally), Mind and Matter, Nothingness, Physics & Humanities.
Quantum Reality and Locality
"Many-Worlds" interpretation of quantum , Bell theorem proves that reality is non-local., Bell's Theorem, Bell's Theorem: Physics, Biography of John Bell, Bohm, Bell, and Boom!, David Bohm, Entanglement, EPR Paradox - brief explanation, Foundations and Interpretation of QM - a book
Seeds and Escapes
A Gravitational Explanation for Quantum Mechanics, Absurdities in Modern Physics: A Solution, Bohmian Mechanics, Decoherence caught in the act, Exorcising Einstein's spooks, Exotic Probability Theories, Modified version of 'double-slit' experi, Mountain Math Software, New Wave Dissidents, Nodal Interpretation of QM
Time and Timelessness
A Walk Through Time, Being and Becoming in Modern Physics, Direction of time and Collapse of the Universe, Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics, Entropy on the World Wide Web, Game Theory of Human History, Multisimultaneity, New Model of the Cosmic Order, On the Time Reversal Invariance of Classical Elect, Peter Lynds
A New Kind of Science - critical review
Detailed and critical review by Ray Kurzweil of the book by Stephen Wolfram.
A New Kind of Science by Stephen Wolfram
Science from the point of view of complex systems: from the origins of apparent randomness in physical systems, to the development of complexity in biology.
Consciousness, Life and Meaning
Essay on evolution and consciousness by Piero Scaruffi.
Digital Philosophy -- Discrete Physics
Assuming that all quantities, including space and time, are finite and discrete.
Events in History of Physics
Time-lines of thermodynamics, electromagnetism, and symmetry. With links to other time-lines and resources.
Experiment in Physics
On the uses, value, and epistomelogy of experiment. By Allan Franklin, University of Colorado.
Identity and Individuality in Quantum Theory
Assesses the metaphysical implications of quantum theory by considering the impact of the theory on our understanding of objects as individuals with well defined identity conditions. From the Stanford Encyclopedia, by Steven French.
Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Crucial chapter from Kuhn's famous book outlining how sciences is forced to go through a paradigm-shift, and see the world in terms of a new theory and new concepts.
MathPages: Physics
Collection of essays, not always orthodox, but always lucid, on historical and important current issues in mathematics and physics.
Philosophical Foundations of Physics by R. Carnap
Positivist view of Physics, which had influenced the Copenhagen Interpretation of the Quantum mechanics (CI).
Philosophy and Foundations
A collection of links, from Norman Redington at MIT.
Philosophy of Physics
A collection of articles and notes from Soshichi Uchii, at Kyoto University.
PhilSci Archive - Subject: Physics
Collection of papers on causality, free will etc
PhysicsWeb - This is Your Philosophy
Are physicists realists? - results of a poll.
Quantum Quackery
Skeptical overview of QM and consciousness connection.
Review of "The Emperor's New Mind",
His exploration is so much more serious philosophically than almost anything that has been done since Einstein and Schrodinger
Robert Rosen - Understanding Life and Physics
A resource site on the works of Robert Rosen, who showed that biological systems demonstrate complexities and physics beyond the strictures of Newtonian mechanics.
Science, Pseudoscience and Society
Papers by Feynman on paranormal 'sciences', Sokal Affair (use of pseudo-physics in social sciences), critique of Kuhn. Also a collection of links.
Shakespeare and Thermodynamics - Dam the Second La
What the second law of thermodynamics is all about, and how it is constantly 'dammed' or blocked by activation energy
Space and Time: Inertial Frames
On the frames of reference relative to which motion and rest are measured; by Robert DiSalle.
The Bactra Reviews
A set of book and article reviews, not limited to physics.
The Mind of God
A review of Paul Davies' exposition of foundational philosophical issues.
Wikipedia - EPR Paradox
On the experiment to show that a measurement performed on one part of a quantum system can have an instantaneous effect on the result of a measurement performed on another part.