english deutsch
A Radical Ecumenism
The possible Buddhist origins of Christianity.
Ancient Nazoreans & Buddhism
Essay about a reference to the Ashokan pillers in The Apocalypse of Peter, an early Christian non-canonical scripture, as proof of the ancient connection between Buddhism and Christianity.
Apollonius the Nazarene
An essay on the Gymnosophists of ancient Alexandria, Egypt, and their Indian Buddhist origins.
Is Jesus a Buddhist?
Jesus in India
Being an account of Jesus' escape from death on the cross and of his journey to India.
Jesus, Boddhisatva of Nazereth
Ancient scrolls reveal that Jesus spent seventeen years in the Orient. From age thirteen to age twenty-nine, he was both student and teacher. The story of his pilgrimmage from Jerusalem to Benares was recorded by Brahmanistic historians. Today they still know him and love him as St. Issa. Their 'buddha'.
The Holistic Path - A Buddhist Christmas 1997
A Buddhist Christmas
The Lost Years of Jesus
Ancient scrolls reveal that Jesus spent seventeen years in India and Tibet and was called Saint Issa.
The Tomb of Jesus Christ Web Site
Welcome to the Tomb of Jesus web site. Roza Bal the Buddhist connection.
Was Jesus a Buddhist?
Was Jesus a Buddhist? - a sermon by Rev. Jim Sanderson at the Jenkins Unitarian Universalist Fellowship on 1998 October 11.
Was Jesus A Buddhist?
An article by Rev. Samuel A Trumbore, Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.