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Ghana, Philippines, United States
Articles and Lectures on Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism
History, philosophy, religious beliefs and explanations of ceremonies according to various priests.
Hokkeko USA
Features introductory study materials and overviews of the tenents of faith, with online Gosho and further resources.
Images of Taisekiji
Commemorating 750 years by presenting historical and modern pictures of Head Temple Taisekiji and surroundings in Fujinomiya City, Japan.
Lotus Forums
Features moderated Nichiren Shoshu discussion and polls.
Nichiren Shoshu
Features ongoing activities, temple locations, and material for experienced practitioners and newcomers.
Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism
Official site for Nichiren Shoshu information in the United States. Provides introductory information and pertinent articles and lectures, in addition to temple locations and contacts.
Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism Study Site
Introduces the organization's history, formalities, and practice, with a variety of lectures by past and current high priests.
Nichiren Shoshu Overseas Bureau
Offers announcements and calendar of events, along with articles on faith and explanations of ceremonies and their significance.
The Nichiren Shoshu Handbook
Online version of the publication describing the basics of Nichiren Shoshu belief and history.
Udumbara Foundation
Organization for the Shoshin-kai. Features sermons, articles, encouragement, and discussions.
Yahoo! Groups: Nichiren Shoshu Group
Unofficial discussion forum for practitioners and those interested in learning. Offers public discussion archives and related resources.