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Charlotte Sangha
North Carolina. Local listing of activities and schedules with study and meeting information.
Myogyo-ji Temple of Greater Boston
Monthly bulletin, sacred days and temple schedule, with picture album and brief history.
Nichiren Buddhist Sangha of Texas
Based in Houston. Offers pictures and calendar of events for local membership.
Nichiren Buddhist Temple of Chicago
Temple history, newsletter, monthly sermon schedule, and location with contact information.
Nichiren Buddhist Temple of Portland
Features history, pictures, minister backgrounds, and virtual tour, with calendar of events, contact and location information, and news.
Nichiren Shu Temple of Los Angeles
Resources for Nichiren Shu practitioners in the L.A. Area, along with general informational materials.
Nichiren Shu Temples in the USA
Temple locations and contact information for the United States.
Western New York Nichiren Shu
Basic information and resources for Nichiren Shu practitioners with contact information.