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Anshin SGI Forum
A BBS site operated by Soka Gakkai members. Provides a discussion forum and rules for participation.
ICQ Buddhism-SGI Interest Group
Moderated real-time chat room for those interested in the Buddhism practiced by the Soka Gakkai.
MSN Groups: Soka Gakkai SGI
Real-time chat forum for users of MSN Messenger.
SGI Forums
Threaded discussion forums with introductory resources.
Yahoo! Groups: Bristol-Bath Headquarters
Offers local announcements and planning information.
Yahoo! Groups: Buddhism 101
Disseminates answers to new member questions from senior members.
Yahoo! Groups: Daily Gosho Mailing List
Disseminates Indian Soka Gakkai daily gosho to subscribers.
Yahoo! Groups: Duneland District - Gary, Indiana
Private local group sharing individual experiences and Buddhist perspectives.
Yahoo! Groups: Gakkai Political Forum
Private message board serving to exchange political thoughts regarding the development of the Soka Gakkai.
Yahoo! Groups: Gakkai-Spirit
Private mailing list for sharing experiences with this Buddhism.
Yahoo! Groups: Latino Buddhists
Offers hispanic experience and activity information sharing.
Yahoo! Groups: SGI-Diversity
Moderated message board for sharing gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered experiences and fostering a sense of community.
Yahoo! Groups: Soka Gakkai International
Moderated message board predominantly for Soka Gakkai members.
Yahoo! Groups: Soka-Gakkai-International-USA
Unmoderated message board for SGI-USA members.
Yahoo! Groups: World Peace Rhythm Project Drummers
Announcements and planning information.