english deutsch
AZI Dojos in Germany
Listing of member centers of the International Zen Association in Germany.
Berlin Zen Group
Sitting group affiliated with the Rochester Zen Center, Harada-Yasutani lineage.
Berlin: Zen Dojo Reichenberger Berlin
Offers Soto Zen practice.
Dinkelscherben: Bodaisan Shoboji
Directed by Dorin Genpo Osho. Member of the Myoshinji in Kyoto, Japan, one of the main lineages of Rinzai Zen. It is patronized by the two Zen masters Hozumi Gensho Roshi and Kato Gikan Roshi.
Hamburg: Ordinary Mind Zen - European Sangha
The european Ordinary Mind Zen-Sangha practises in the tradition of Charlotte Joko Beck. Its guiding teacher is Diane Eshin Rizzetto, Dharma Heir of?Charlotte Joko Beck.
Schönböken: Zen Vereinigung Deutschland
An association of Sôtô Zen Dôjôs and groups in the line of Dôgen Zenji and Taisen Deshimaru Roshi.
Wiesbaden: Tao Chan Zentrum
led by Zen-Master Kopp, Dharma-succesor of the late (1977) Zen-Master Soji Enku Roshi. In German and English.